Chapter 6 Together Again at Last (Chica)

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Was this real? Or was she dreaming? No this certainly wasn't a dream, chica was sure of that.

Still as she stared at you from where she stood in the room, half heartedly listening to Freddy's temporary plan on how to keep you safe for now, her mind was racing. When you walked into the room last night after being brought here when you had woken up she wanted to leap for joy. Rush to you hug you.

After all for her it's been 6 years since the events of that night. When she rushed to save you from shadow only for things to end in flames. Your beaten body was in her hands and yet you still tried to smile at her. Tried to tell her how much it meant to you that she had come to save you, in your own way.

You were so fragile, so breakable, it was a reminder that human life was fleeting. Even if she was lucky enough to be blessed by the puppet and be allowed to grow in some shape and form and mature like she would have if she was still alive, she's been caught in nothing but a loop while she had spent her days within the pizzeria. The desire for vengeance burning in her and her friends for 24 years until you had arrived. A familiar face, a friend. (When you live so long as something not mortal anymore,it was hard to remember that the lives of the innocent really were delicate things.)

But now you were like them. Like her. Even if she had been cursed as the puppet said would happen if she and her friends were to ever leave the pizzeria, you and her now could stay together. That is if that's what you wanted.

Chica felt clammy, unsure of what to say or do. On one hand she wanted to jump up and scream with joy, envelope you in a hug and confess that she made a vow to herself the day you had fallen into your sleep. (That she'd wait for you to wake up again.) Though the other half was hesitating, shade knew of you now and by the sounds of it the puppet wasn't happy with Goldie's actions. Now you could be in danger and the idea of loosing you a second time was terrifying!

All those thoughts and still in the back of her head Chica held doubt. That everything the two of you had gone through together may not of been real. The kiss, the intimate moments. She feared it was all just a game to you, an experiment all while the pressures of the dangers were on your shoulders.

"I would be happy to stay with ye if ye'd like it." Foxy spoke suddenly at chica's side. A response to the conversation Chica had not been paying very much, or any, attention to.

"Nah she should go with me! Obviously she needs someone to protect her, and who better than me?" Bonnie coyly smiled as he spoke, leaning against one of the tables with a hand on his hip almost wiggling his eyebrows.

"No!" Chica blurted out suddenly looking at Bonnie with a wild look, jealousy really. Out of all the times they may butt heads she saw him as her brother. And what a cruel thing it would be for a brother to take away the woman she loves. Though as she said it she realized all eyes were on her. She smiled sheepishly.
"I-I mean! I should go! (Y/N) you know that I'm always there for you right?"

She attempted to save herself though she feared she revealed her true feelings on the situation. Her hands grasped at her apron, tightly holding the now torn and charred fabric within her fists.

"What do you say (Y/N)? The choice is yours and frankly we all shouldn't be arguing over something like this, especially at a time like this." Freddy had eased the tension for Chica, almost as if he knew just what she was feeling as he smoothly spoke to you. His hand on your shoulder now gesturing out towards the others.

Freddy was asking out towards them all now, mainly to Chica. She knew it was his way of telling her to calm down. She took a breath, letting it out faintly between her lips nodding along with the others as they all quietly agreed with Freddy.

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