Confusion and Confessions

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A/N: -pulls a gun on Chibi Ruby- Now you better leave a comment on this chapter or else the cutie gets it! I'm not playin Ruby's gonna get it-!!

Comment, or else imma bout to blast this Chibi like a duck! I'm not jokin!

-puts the gun in her face- Ruby may be able to eat a mean cookie but can she eat a bullet??! Let's find out! You don't wanna find out? Well you better leave a comment on this chapter!

""= people talky bits
[]= robot talky bits
{[]}= setting change



The Family Visitation weekend has come and gone. You and Luna spent an amazing time with your mother, having taken her to your favorite places in Vale. You said your goodbyes Sunday night, as she took off back to Solaris. She gave you a final piece of advice, encouraging you to be brave and tell Blake how you feel about her.

You set out the next day after class to do just that. There was only one problem though...

You can't find her anywhere!

For the last three days you haven't seen a single sight of the black-bowed Faunus anywhere outside of class, and even there she sticks to small talk.

It almost feels like she's avoiding you. But why?

You sigh, trudging through the hallways of the school, having spent the last hour searching for your crush. You decide to head back to your common room to do some training in the VR pod your Mom brought you while she was visiting.

"Agh-!" You should really pay attention though, as you've just bumped into someone, knocking them over. You look down, seeing Ruby.

"Oh, sorry Ruby! I wasn't watching where I was going," you apologize, helping the girl up.

"No no, you're okay, I was just lost in thought," she laughs nervously, taking your hand and pulling herself up. She looks you over real quick, tilting her head. "Hey, you okay? You look a little down."

You blush a bit, rubbing your neck. "Yeah, I'm okay, just..." You sigh. "Been trying to find Blake. There's something I've been wanting to talk to her about for the past few days, but I can never find her anywhere."

"Yeah, I noticed she's been kinda spacey lately," Ruby taps her chin in thought. "I asked her what was wrong this morning, and she blushed and asked me what's wrong with my face then ran out."

"So something is up with her? I wonder what could be bothering her..." you ponder, sighing a bit. "I just figured after all that stuff with the White Fang she would talk to us if something was bothering her."

"Maybe it's more personal?" The leader shrugs. "What did you want to talk to her about anyway?"

"Um, n-nothing important," you stammer a bit, unable to hide your blush.

Ruby gasps, immediately catching on. "Oh my gosh! You like her don't y-!"

"Shhh!" You cut her off by covering her mouth with your hand. You speak quietly. "Y-yeah, I like her, okay? But I don't want anyone else knowing yet."

She nods, and you take your hand off her. "You want me to help you?"

You shake your head. "I appreciate that Rubes, but I'll be fine. When she's ready to talk she'll come to us. Whatever problem she's having is more important than my crush."

Ruby smiles at you. "You're a good guy (Y/N). And if you ask me, Blake would be crazy to shoot you down."

You chuckle, ruffling her hair. "I appreciate the vote of confidence. I'm gonna head to the library for a bit. I'll see you later."

Allied with Giants [RWBY x Male Titan Pilot Reader]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα