Family Bonding

66 2 0

""= people talky bits
[]= robot talky bits
{[]}= setting change



The students of Beacon are all gathered in the cafeteria early Friday morning for breakfast. You're sitting with your team, with your usual group with teams RWBY and JNPR. It's a week after the Feelings Jam, and the initial awkwardness has passed. Ruby, Yang, and Nathan have bonded more as a family, and the teasing from Anna and Nora has died out.

"Students? May I have your attention, please?" Glynda raises her voice, standing at the back of the cafeteria. The voices in the room quiet, as everyone turns their attention to her. "As you all may be aware, today is the start of family visitation weekend for first-year students. I expect you all to be on your best behavior, and to do well to represent our school. You've all been given the day off of classes to prepare. Visitors should be starting to arrive shortly. Have fun!" With that, she walks off, and the students start to talk again, a new air of excitement filling the room.

"Oh, I hope my sister is coming to visit!" Weiss says hopefully with a smile on her face.

"You think Dad or Mom is gonna come visit?" Luna asks you.

"Probably Mom," you shrug. "The annual Imperial Summit is happening soon, and you know how much Dad likes prepping for it."

"Yknow, I keep forgetting you two are legit royalty." Anna giggles. "You don't really act like it."

"Act like it? What do you mean?"

"Oh you know," Yang chimes in, "like in stories where the Prince or princess is all snooty and a know-it-all and full of themselves and gets upset when things don't go their way. Kinda like Weiss."

"H-hey!" Weiss yells, blushing, causing your group to giggle.

"Hey, don't take it to heart Weiss. While that may have been a little true when we first met, you've gotten way better," Nathan encourages with a smile.

You notice her blush gets a little deeper before she huffs in annoyance. "W-well of course! We should all be working on improving our character as well as our abilities!"

He chuckles, stopping when he gets a ping on his scroll. He pulls it out, smiling as he reads the notification. "Yes! Dad just confirmed he'll be here by noon!"

Yang pumps her fist in excitement! "Yes! Operation Spider Flock is on!"

"Is that the name of the prank you're pulling on him?" Ren asks, eating a bite of his pancakes.

"Oh! What are you gonna do? Spill the details!" Nora pleads.

"And ruin the surprise?" Ruby grins. "Trust us, it'll be worth the wait. You guys should come to our dorm at noon, Nate is gonna lead him right below our window so we'll get the perfect view."

"If you say so," you chuckle. You finish up your breakfast, standing up. "We'd all better get ready, our families will be showing up soon."

"Oh, I hope none of my sisters are coming," Jaune groans, getting up.

Your groups all splinter off, and you walk with your team back to the dorm.

"So Anna, will we get to meet your folks too?" Nathan asks her.

She shakes her head in response. "Nah. They wanted to, but they're on a mission and it's running longer than they expected."

"Well that's a shame, I hope they're okay." Luna sympathizes.

"Oh they'll be fine, they're the toughest people I know. Now c'mon, let's get you three ready," she says, pushing you ahead, getting a laugh out of you.

Allied with Giants [RWBY x Male Titan Pilot Reader]Where stories live. Discover now