"Morning's arrival, Kasma! How was your sleep?" She asked, coming over to sit by his bed. Kasma scratched behind his right ear with a claw, ridding himself of an itch.

"It was...fine, I suppose." Responded Kasma. The friendly nature of the former bandit was something that threw the Thrask off his guard, yet it was not unfounded.

Sehth'ker was not an overtly violent bandit to begin with, rather wishing to stay in the background of any activity. If she was raiding, she preferred to sneak around and plunder the unsuspecting. A thief, for better term

Sehth'ker had adopted a roguish archetype, being granted some decent magic abilities and the mind to properly use them to her advantage. She was not brutish like many of the other prior bandits. She would not torture the prisoners, rarely being around them in the first place.

Kasma understood these things, and decided that talking to her was worth the time and effort because the future may provide something of it.

"Did you happen to wake up at all last night? If you did, did you notice anything strange?" Asked Kasma. Sehth'ker raised flicked her ears, rolling her shoulders.

"Unfortunately not. Did something happen?" Asked Sehth'ker. She chewed noisily, not bothering to close her mouth.

"While her manners are lacking like a bandit, at least she seems to have some humility at times." Thought Kasma. He threw the sheet off of his legs and swung them over the side of the bed, deciding that he should put some clothes on.

"I woke up last night, or I think I woke up. It may have been a dream, now that I think of it, but I was able to see that everyone else was asleep." He said. Sehth'ker bit into her meat, keeping her focus on him as a prompt for him to continue.

"All was well, but I swear upon Chirae herself that Dietrich was sitting at the desk. He was firm and rigid like the dead after a few days. Sitting in that chair straight." Said Kasma. He pointed over to the desk, where nothing had been moved or misplaced.

Kasma found his pants and brought them up around his waist. He tied them off and then grabbed his coat, bring it over his shoulders and on to his body.

"I didn't make myself noticed. I didn't get a good feeling. It was as if I was seeing something I was not supposed to." Revealed Kasma. Sehth'ker stood up.

"Well, I have not seen him. I saw the female human shortly before you woke up. She was talking about bathing in the river a little while ago. It's not far from here. Want to go?" She asked.

Kasma gave an affirmative, and the two walked out of the cellar into the same bandit village that was destroyed only a few days ago.

The rains had washed a fair deal of the blood and foul smells away. The humans had spoken of cleaning the place, which was later explained as piling the bodies up in a location that was a good distance from their camp.

And now, the only reminders of the wholesale slaughter than took place were the buildings that were torched to the ground, the charred bodies that still remained in them, and the missing portion of Krisch'a's main house.

The storerooms had been plundered, with all goods being moved to the cellar. The humans had made it clear that they would not be staying in the cellar for long, either leaving when the food ran out or before.

Alongside those who are sinful.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon