"This is my chance for a rematch," Liam whispered in my ear, excited. I tried not to roll my eyes at him. He was going to get his butt kicked. Why would he even try?

Since I wasn't fighting and at a high risk of being attacked, I was one of the few men who had nothing covering my face. Liam, on the other hand, had on a red mask with gold stars running up the left side. He had named himself, "The Savage". His tell-tale blond hair poked out the back of the mask, so anyone from our school could tell that it was Liam when he was hanging around me.

Liam and I watched as the Terminator kicked a man to the floor and proceeded to punch him in the face until he tapped out. After a few more fights, it was Liam's turn to face her.

"You again," she muttered darkly and rolled her eyes at Liam.

"Yes, it's me. Are you ready to lose, cupcake?" Liam said and the fight began.

"If you know what's good for you, you wouldn't call me that."

"What? Cupcake?" Liam mocked. In the previous matches we had watched, the Terminator had not made any first moves. Everyone watching was surprised when she sprinted towards Liam faked left, and then roundhouse kicked him in the nose with her right foot. "Cupcake" seemed to be the trigger word.

"Shit," Liam said, gasping in pain. Blood was squirting out of his nose. The Terminator was relentless and landed blow after blow to Liam's stomach. Finally, my idiot of a best friend, after a few failed attempts to punch her back, tapped out.

"Better luck next time, cupcake," she said softly, but loud enough for people in the front row, such as myself, to hear.

Liam passed out and with the help of Brady, I carried Liam over to a bench. A part of his mask had broken off, but luckily it only revealed his battered nose. I helped him clean the blood off his nose, and Brady got him a cool glass of water as he became conscious again. Since my mom was a nurse, I knew a few things. I helped Liam stop the blood flow of his nose and then felt around for broken ribs, which he luckily had none of.

I heard the booming voice of Bryden with his microphone. "And now, we have a special guest who would like to challenge the Terminator. Say hello to professional Russian boxer, Sergei Aristov!"

"Come on Liam, we need to get your nose reset," I instructed him, grabbing his arm.

"No, no! I want to see this fight! We've never had a pro here before!" Liam said and I sighed, but turned to watch with him.

"This little girl is the champion here? I will take her down easily!" Sergei said confidently. The Terminator stared at him, her eyes showing boredom. Was she actually not nervous?

"We'll see about that," the Terminator said.

"Why are you wearing a mask? Can you not protect yourself outside of these walls?" Sergei asked.

"I don't see how that is any of your business. Any sensible fighter here wears a mask."

"Pretty lady, I'll make you a deal. If you beat me, I will pay you $5,000," Sergei said, smirking.

"Do you have the money with you right now?"

"Yes, in cash," Sergei responded.

"What if I lose? What do you want?"

"When you lose, I want to see the beautiful face behind the mask." I heard a few cheers throughout the audience. Everyone was getting super hyped.

"Fine. Deal." The crowd went wild and some guys high-fived each other. I had no idea what the outcome of this fight would be.

The two went to shake hands, but Sergei bent down to kiss her hand. This guy was such a tool. Seconds later, the fight began. I stood up on top of the bench, so I could see better. Sergei and the Terminator circled each other, but then Sergei grew bored and lunged. He threw a right hook, but the Terminator caught his fist. She kicked him in the side of his stomach and he quickly retreated.

"You are better than expected, but you have only fought boys- not men. I will approach you with more caution from here on out," Sergei said.

"Come at me, bro," the Terminator said, and he chuckled. He came at her, jabbing and faking in different directions. The small girl had speed as an advantage and dodged all of the punches. Sergei had more strength, but lacked the speed to hit the fast girl. He was growing frustrated as the Terminator continued to avoid his strong fists. Next, he tried kicking, but the Terminator was a step ahead of him, raising her knee to take most of the impact.

After that, she came off the defensive, and started throwing hooks and uppercuts of her own. Sergei protected his face well, but her speedy hands nipped him on the chest. With a sudden movement, she swiped his feet out from under him and pinned him to the ground. Sergei squirmed and thrashed, but the Terminator brought both of his hands around his head, putting them together. With one arm she held his hands down and with the other she punched his face. She was stronger than she looked and the crowd was surprised that she was winning so easily.

After about half a minute of this position, Sergei made a sudden move, flipping them around, so that he was lying on top of the Terminator. She brought her arms up to protect her face, so he settled on beating the crap out of her stomach. I shuddered as I heard the sickening crack of a rib. She didn't scream. She didn't move. She let him pound her, breaking a few more ribs in the process.

"Wow, this match is over," Liam said and Brady agreed. I didn't say anything. I didn't want to take my eyes off the seen before me.

"Little girl, why don't you tap out?"

After a while, Sergei's blows became slower and softer as the breathing of the Terminator became heavier. He was grinning now. The Terminator tried landing a few blows to his face but he blocked them and then beat her on the head when she left her eyes and nose unguarded. Barely anyone got to lay a hit on the Terminator, but she was good at defense.

I guess it made sense she would lose. Sergei was a professional after all. After a while, Sergei pinned back her arms. He had grown impatient and wanted to win. To do this, he had to move forward. This left more of the Terminator's legs free, and she quickly hooked her left leg around his head. Sergei's hands went around his neck. He rolled around everywhere, but the Terminator did not lose her grip. His face was growing pink- then purple.

"Holy shit," Brady said, voicing all of our opinions. Right before Sergei passed out, he tapped the ground. The Terminator loosened her grip, rolled around until she was laying on her stomach, and then stood up, shaking a bit. She limped to the side of the ring next to Bryden.

"Say hello to your champion of three and a half years, the Terminator!" The audience cheered and hollered loudly. Bryden raised the Terminator's right arm and with her left hand she waved to us. With her arms up, I could see the sickening color of her swelled stomach. It was turning purple.

"I'm done for the night. I want my money and then I want to go," she said to Bryden, but not in a rude way. He grabbed some cash from the bets and then Sergei's $5000 he had given to Bryden before the match. The Terminator retrieved her bag and briefly thumbed through her funds. A few people left. It was late now-11:00. A few other boys went up to try to talk to the girl, asking for her number and using cheesy pick-up lines. As usual, she ignored them.

No one was looking at Sergei as he limped off to the side, rummaging in his gym bag. No one noticed, except for me, as he pulled out a long, silver object. He approached the Terminator from behind.

"KNIFE!" I shouted. She turned around at my voice to face Sergei as he charged at her. She pushed him to the floor, so she could pin his arm with the knife done. Sergei's hand thrashed wildly as he was cutting her shorts. Brady, Liam, myself, and a few other men ran over to help. We disarmed Sergei and the other men started to hit Sergei. The punishment for weapons was a beating. For five minutes, until Sergei was almost dead, every part of his body was beaten. I went to see if the Terminator was okay, but she had taken her money for the night and was already gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2013 ⏰

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