Chapter 8

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I was laying in Emilys bed waiting for her to get some drinks. This was the second time i had been home to Emilys house. Carson was blowing up my phone so i had to turn the sound off. We had a date earlier today and he ran out very early to help his brother. He was asking me what i was doing and if we could meet up tomorrow again, but i didnt have any intention to answer as long as i was at Emilys. When i was with Emily i turned of everything else and just focused on her and our time together. Even tho we spend almost every waking hour together, laughing, talking, studying or just me watching her practice swimming. I heard Emily come up the stairs so i sat up so that i could see her. She walked in with a big smile and holding two glasses of coke. She sat the glasses down on the nightstand and crawled into bed beside me.

' So, i was thinking that maybe instead of us reading the english essay book alone, maybe i could read it out loud ' Emily stated and looked at me.

' Yeah sure ' I answered and Emily smiled. God, i love her smile i thought while staring att her face. She picked up the book and opened it, i scooted down and laid my head on her shoulder so that i could see the book. I felt Emily tense up. I sat up and said.

' Im sorry, i didnt mean too make you uncomfortable '

' No im not uncomfortable i was just surprised ' She said and smiled.

I laid my head back on her shoulder and she started to read the book. While i was laying on her shoulder i inhaled her sweet floral and chlorine smell scent. I wrapped my hand around her arm and started to caress it while she read. She certanly had a knack for reading and not boring her audience. And too soon she had finished reading the chapters that were for the essay. I felt a bit sad as i wanted this moment to go on forever. She put the book down on her nightstand and i sat up and straightend my back.

' Im never reading that book again ' Emily said and laughed, i joined in. The book was terrible but she made it bearable. My phone buzzed and i groaned, couldnt he just leave me alone. Emily checked my phone and gave it to me.

' Its your boyfriend ' She said in a small voice. I checked my messages and he had sent 50 messages, wondering where i was, why i hadnt answered him, and he wondering if he wasnt my priority anymore. Then 15 calls, where as 14 was from him and one was from my mom. One other message that caught my eye was from an unknown number.

' Little old boyfriends worried, Little old girlfriends getting cozy, Maybe its time to tell him?. - A ' I let out a breath i didnt know i was holding. I pressed delete, this was probably just someone messing with me.

' Are you okay? ' Emily asked and caresed my legs. I turned to her with a smile plastered onto my face, hoping she couldnt feel my discomfort.

' Yes, it was just my mother, wondering when i planned to come home ' I said and closed my phone.

' Do you have to go now ? ' She asked carefully, as if she didnt want me to leave.

' Yeah, she probably wants help with dinner as usual ' I said and stood up from the bed and packed my school stuff into my bag. I put my phone in my pocket. I walked towards Emily and hugged her goodbye. I loved her hug, but i didnt hug her so long this time. Not like i used to, that text had clearly set something of in my head.

' Goodbye, see you tomorrow ' I said and walked out.

This texter was wrong on so many levels. What they were implying wasnt true, Emily and i were only friends. Nothing more. And i love my boyfriend, i think...

//// NOT EDITED ////

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