Book 6: The Terror Within

Start from the beginning

Varrick: It's not broken. He needs to airbend into it!

He grabs the airbender finder.

Varrick: How else do you expect the thing to work?

Varrick does not look pleased. Cut to the other side of the dining table where Mako strains to hear the conversation.

Mako: What's going on? I can't hear anything. I hate sitting down here!

He grabs his glass and camera pans down to reveal Aiwei watching his outburst. Notices Aiwei next to him, staring at him awkwardly.

Mako: Uh, not because of you.

Aiwei: I can tell you're lying.

Mako slumps in his chair and sips his drink with an embarrassed expression, as Suyin taps her glass to get everyone's attention. A metallic object tapping against the glass three times is heard. Camera pans back to the middle of the table again and Suyin has stood up with a glass raised.

Suyin: Everyone, if I could have your attention please? Tonight, my beautiful little girl leaves for the Northern Air Temple. Opal, none of us could be more proud of you. You're an incredible daughter, sister, friend, and soon to be airbending master.

Suyin bends down a bit and Opal rests against her mother's shoulder. She gives a kiss on Opal's head. Cut to Huan, Wing, and Wei who watch the slightly emotional scene. The twins sniffle and Huan rolls his eyes. Raises her glass up high.

Suyin: Here's to Opal. May she help lead us into the new era!

Everyone raises their glass for a toast.

Scene fades to the docking bay at sunset and Opal's airship taking off. Cut to Opal and Ryu standing at the window of the ship and waving goodbye to their family and friends.

Camera angle changes to an aerial view of the docking bay where a small crowd is looking up at the airship and some are waving to Roku and Opal. Cut to a female guard behind the group as she pulls out a radio from a metal bag near her hip.

Guard: Lock it down for the night.

Cut to Ryu, Korra, Lin, and Bolin. The latter stops waving and looks a little sad.

Lin: We'll head out first thing in the morning.

Bolin sighs solemnly and follows her leave, as Korra walks next to him, with her arm resting on his back in comfort. The duo walks away and the metal petals of the city start to close. Cut to an aerial view of all of Zaofu where all the metal flowers close in harmony. Scene changes to a Zaofu guard patrolling the guest houses at night.

Cut to an aerial view of the surrounding parks and the guests houses as various guards walk up and down the perimeter. Below, we can see a small group running across a trail in the park toward a bridge. Cut to Zaheer and his gang quietly peering out from under the bridge. In the background, a guard has a metallic staff in hand and he looks down at the bridge for a few seconds before walking off.

Zaheer waves his hand and signals to everyone to continue moving forward. Cut to another guard patrolling the sheltered walkway as the bad guys use the cover of darkness to sneak past the walkway undetected. They head toward a guest house in the far end. Cut to Bolin in his pajamas with a blanket over him in his bed, snoring. Pabu is curled up on top of the blanket and the fire ferret perks up with a squeak.

Bolin: Kale, kale, kale... Opal...

Pabu wakes up. The fire ferret leaps off the bed and hops over to the nearby window sill and looks out, noticing the four criminals. He paws against the glass and squeaks loudly in alarm in an attempt to wake his owner jolting Bolin awake.

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