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Don't be mad I didn't end it fr I love y'all 😂😂

1Year and some days later


I sat in the nursury holding my now 3 month old baby boy Kamerian , He was literally the love of my life and i loved him with everything in me.  Kamerian gave me so much hope and i made sure to give him the best life i could, the day when Destiny said what she said it made me look at life differently. I still owe her a bullet as well from the shot she shot at me the last time i've seen her , even tho she only grazed my arm i was still upset that she would take it that far.

From what i've heard she was doing good in New York with Kobe and the kids, her and Demetrius do split visitations so he would have the kids 1 weeks every month and she would have them the remaining 3.

Over the past year my business became very sucessful, i started making special designs for rich and famous people like JayZ and Beyonce and Rhianna. Like Destiny said i have my purpose now and im going to keep striving until i get to where i want to be.

The loud ring of my door bell took me out of the daze i was in, i laid Kam down in his crib and walked to the front of my condo. Me and Ace are still not together he was still upset with the thought of me getting an abortion and he meant what he said about us being done, besides all that he was a great farther and i didnt really have to ask him for much.

I looked at the screen that sat next to my door and seen it was Tracey standing there with Demetrius, i opened the door and hugged them bothe letting them come in.

"Where's the baby?"I asked walking to the living room where they were standing and we all took seats on my couch.

"With my mom, we came here to talk to you"Demetrius said getting serious.

"Well wasup"I asked getting straight to the point.

"Its about Ace"Tracey said making me tense up a little.

"What happened ima need yall to get to the point"I said now aggravated.

"He wilding yo, this nigga supposedly got another baby out here man with some trick he was fucking round with she due any day now"Demetrius said rubbing his hands down his face.

"What that gotta do with me?"I asked not caring really we not together.

"Man you need to check on him and make sure he straight, last i seen him he was drinking away in the club and fighting niggas. Sis we in Atlanta he cant be bringing heat to us like that you know we still in hiding." he said all serious

He was right tho, they still didnt find the person who killed Kaylen and her family and he or she could still be out there looking for the rest of us.

"I feel you i'll talk to him when he comes to get Kam"I told him rolling my eyes.

"Where my lil nigga at"Demetrius said smiling widely at Kam name.

Demetrius was Kam bestie literally he's the only other person beside me my mom and Ace who Kam would sit with without crying. He was there my whole pregnany and even after me and Destiny stopped talking he still remained my bestie and i love him to death for that.

"His pissy ass up there in his room sleep, go get him"I said smiling at me as he got up and walked away.

When he was out of view Tracey looked at me and smiled.

"How are you with everything goign on"She asked sincerly.

Me and Tracey became kinda friends since it was really only me and her here, India and Duke ended up going to New York he had some spots over there and Demetrius wanted him to keep an eye on Destiny and the kids.

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