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Please excuse any Errors I'm trying to update more for y'all and get this book out my drafts .

Nuri 🦋

It's been a while since everything happened and honestly I'm still kind of shodden up, it's a lot to process and I've been having nightmare. Ever since that night Ace and I have been so much better.

I literally can't do anything without him he's so over protective but I love it. I was currently sitting in bed waiting for hime to come with our favorite Chinese take out spot.

"NURI COME DOWNSTAIRS" I hear Ace yelling from the front door, I jump up and run downstairs I'm starving right now, I finally made its and hopped on the counter Ace stood in between my legs and pecked my lips

"I missed youuuu" I Said smiling wide taking the food out of the bags he smiled

"I missed you too mama" He jumped on the counter next to me and began eating

"You need to check on destiny" Before I was able to say anything to him he continued

"I went to her house and yo best friend was there showing his ass so you might wanna talk to him too"and with that he got off the counter and headed upstairs.

After I finished eating I text Wapp and told him I was coming to his house . he read my message but didn't respond which was weird as fuck to me.

"Babe I'll be back in a minute" I shouted to Ace from downstairs I didn't get response so I decided to just leave, he'll notice that I'm not there sooner or later.

I finally made it to Wapp's house before I noted that I left my phone at home I know for a fact Ace is gonna be livid with , oh well shit he'll be fine I thought to myself.

Gathering my purse and hopping I was met by Tracey bitch ass.

"He don't wanna see you bitch" she said with a grim look on her face.

"Don't get punched again mama, I would advise you to back the fuck away from my car before you get hit with it" I said in all seriousness.

she stepped away and I walked around her smiling. I made my way to the door and opened it and walked straight in.

"BESTTTTTT GET YO ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" I yelled from the living room. He slowly rolled his way down the hall and sat by the couch.

"What Nuri" he said with an attitude I sighed and counted to ten silently and pulled up a chair in the front of him and sat down.

I looked at him for a minute before I said anything, " What's going on with you, and Destiny and also Karter"

He looked at me and rolled his eyes and sucked his teeth

"Man fuck Ace and Dessy" I was about to say something and he continued "And stop talking to my girl like that or it's gone be fuck you too" he said with an attitude.

I got up from my chair and walked up to him SLAP he grabbed his face looking shocked "don't ever in yo life speak to me like that as far as I'm concerned your dead to me" I said and with that I walked out of the house.

running to the car I hop right in, I can't believe he was acting like that towards me, I don't know what's his damn problem is but what I do know is he have me fucked up.

I started the car and sped home listening to the city girls, the encounter I had with Wapp was really weighing on me and I just felt tears coming down my face. Not realizing I was crying I whipped my face and continued on the road, I need to release some stress so I drove straight to the mall and headed inside.

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