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I can't do nothing but be real with you
I just don't feel the same, so over you
No more falling for you (for you)
I'm so over falling for you (for you)
No more falling for you (for you)
I'm so over falling for you (told myself)
No more falling for you (for you)
I'm so over falling for you (ain't no more)
No more falling for you (for you)
I'm so over falling for you

Ashanti- Falling for you.

Destiny was standing in the middle of the hospital with blood on her hands still in shock to what just happened, she was confused and hurt all at the same time. It felt like time was going slow she was stuck in a gaze she felt like she wasn't able to get out of.

"Destiny??? destiny"Demetrius called her name over and over.

She was just stuck she couldn't move she had witnessed some shit today and was still trying to process it.

'Mommy"She heard Layla cry making her jump from the daze to see everyone looking at her with a worried expression on her face.

"yes baby come on"She said picking up Layla but Wapp grabbed her 

"Oh I can't have my child now"She said with a wtf face.

"Man wtf you got blood on you"He explained.

Destiny got up and walked over to the nurses station and asked for a change of clothes and a place to shower.

"Ill go with you"Kaylen said holding her arm.

After getting the clothes Destiny went to the room the nurse gave her and bath and changed into the scrubs. She still never spoke he just changed and walked back out with Kaylen following behind her, before they were able to reach the others Kaylen grabbed her arm softly.

"Dest are you okay?"She asked looking into her eyes.

"Im fine, im ready to get my child and dip."Destiny told her snatching her hand away softly.

She walked to Demetrius and grabbed Layla, she still never spoke to anyone she made her way to the elevator and waited for it to come.

Demetrius walked over to her with his hands in his pockets, he stood next to her and sighed before speaking.

"Ill be by tomorrow to pick them up give you some time to yourself"He said looking down at her.

"I dont need no time to myself im good but thanks"She said not looking at him.

The elevator door opened and she got on quickly she looked at Demetrius as the door closed.







5Hr later

 Destiny laid on her back in the bed with her hands behind her neck, she stared up at the celling at nunthing in particular. She was still process the fact that her sister had died, she was shot to death inside their mothers home.

Apparently she owed a big drug dealer some money and he came and got it, she put up a big fight because she was missing 7 fingers.

I had to get my shit together I couldn't keep living like this, im tired of being sad all the time and depressed its time for me to get away me and my child.

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