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As they pull into the driveway, both John B and Parker get an apprehensive look on their faces, but Sarah shoots the taller blonde a look that says, 'trust me'. 

John B shakes his head insistently, angrily stating, "No. Sarah, I-- I cannot be here." Sarah basically ignores him and Parker practically carries him inside the house.

"Okay, well, you have to trust me." John B tries to shrug, but he winces. "Yeah, I did that one time already." Parker rolls her eyes and groans at her best friend's stubbornness.

"We've already been through this. I didn't rat you guys out, okay? So suck it up, buttercup." Parker nods in agreement, turning her gaze to the injured boy. "Yeah, Johnny. Let it go. I'm the one who got fired and I know it wasn't Sarah's fault." 

John B relents for his best friend's sake, murmuring, "Hey, I don't think your old man would be happy if an ex-employee was in his house with his employee that he thought stole shit was bleeding all over the place." 

Sarah shushes him, whispering, "So don't bleed." Parker can't help the snort that escapes her, laughing at the bewildered expression on John B's face. They then finally take in the huge house that the Cameron's called home, always in awe of its size.

"Hey!" Sarah panics when she hears her father's voice, and she shoves the two Pogues into a nearby room just as Ward enters the foyer. The two teens push themselves as close to the wall as they can, and they try to hold their breath so as not to give themselves away.

"Jerry, don't tell me we can't renegotiate the rate. We can absolutely renegotiate the rate, Jerry. That's what we're doing right now." He walks down the stairs, clearly on the phone with someone named Jerry. Sarah perks herself up and plasters on a fake smile, enthusiastically chirping, "Hi!" 

Ward smiles at her before looking over her shoulder, asking, "What are you doing?" Sarah clearly panics, thinking that he knew what was going on and who was in the room next to them, but instead he gestures to the front door before going out and muttering, "Shut the door. Come on, sweetie." Sarah quickly calls out her apology and the door shuts behind her father, making all three teens let out a sigh of relief.

Sarah waves for them to follow her, and Parker helps John B into an office-like room. She lays him down on the couch, and Sarah leaves to go grab something. Parker looks around in wonder at all of the fancy artifacts in the room. She goes to touch one of them, but jumps back as the door opens. She relaxes when she sees that it's just Sarah returning with medical supplies in hand.

Sarah sits down next to John B and instructs, "Lift up your shirt." He nods, doing as told. Sarah glances at it while prepping her supplies, muttering, "That's gotta be disinfected." She twists the cap off of a rubbing alcohol bottle.

John B looks at it apprehensively, asking, "Wait, is that rubbing alcohol?" Sarah nods, putting some of it onto a cotton ball and bringing it close to his wound. "It's the only way to be safe," She glances at him before getting ready to apply it. "Okay close your eyes. On the count of three. Ready? One, two, three."

She brings the cotton ball down on his cut, making John B let out a loud scream and making Sarah quickly slap her hand over his mouth. "Shh! Are you kidding me?" Parker laughs slightly, murmuring, "Wimp."

John B apologizes, and Sarah states, "Never heard anyone whine like that before." Parker snickers to herself before proudly stating, "That's what she said." Sarah goes to slap her and Parker flinches away slightly, which makes Sarah give her a confused look before filing it away to ask about later.

"Who, uh... who's the dude on the wall?" John B inquires. Sarah continues to patch him up, glancing back at the picture on the wall. "Oh, it's Denmark Tanny, founder of Tannyhill." Parker looks at her, surprised at this information. "Founder?" John B asks shakily, trying to steel himself for the pain of the rubbing alcohol.

PRINCESS [Sarah Cameron] ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant