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"Ominis I have bloody detention." I threw my arms up into the air being dramatic. He rolled his eyes sitting next to me.

"What did you do this time Sebastian?" He asked me, I looked down embarrassed but the memory of what happened won't stop playing in my head. "What happened?" He asked again looking at me, his arm now wrapped around my neck playfully. His face turned a little pink at his action.

"Well..." I dragged the word on making him impatient, how I wish he had learned to be patient from Y/N. "I kinda followed him out of potions today and caught him..." I became too embarrassed to speak up about that incident.

"Oh come on tell me." His body now facing me with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap, I found it adorable.

"I caught him jerking off..." I said it fast but he still understood every word. He became bright red and so did I.

"Really?" He stuttered now looking away from me at his lap, his hands flying to his crotch. He excused himself and left me to my thoughts.

Imelda and Y/N walked in arms around each other's waists. I couldn't help but glare at the two, how dare she put her hands on my man.

"Hey, Sebastian..." He scratched the back of his neck, I gave a little wave becoming even redder.

"Did something happen? Oh did you-" Y/N placed his hand over her mouth, and she giggled.

"Ew, what the fuck!" He laughed which made my heart flutter, I felt butterflies in my stomach, and I held my stomach liking the feeling. "You can't just lick my hand!" He explained but all she did was walked away swaying her hips, he rolled his eyes at her and I did the same.

"So you coming to detention or you ditching it like the last one we got?" He raised an eyebrow at me, it made me think of his reaction when I didn't show up.

"Yeah I am, I don't want to be kicked in both my shins again." I got up and walked beside him, I looked up and grinned.

"I had to clean the boat house all by myself, dick." He mumbled the last part but I heard it and chuckled. He nudged my side and made me tumble a little but he caught me, I looked at him as his arm was tight around my waist holding me up. His eyes flickered to mine then to my lips, I did the same. He leaned in and then I did, our lips brushed over one another, and my eyes closed by themselves.

Oh my god, it's happening!

I wonder what his lips feel like!

Our lips connected but only for a brief second.

"Ominis where are you going?" Imedlas's voice could be heard and our heads snapped to the noise. Y/N had let go of me making me slightly whimper, his head shot down to me and looked at me with wide eyes.

Ominis came out and almost bumped into me but instead bumped into Y/N he caught Ominis as he had done with me.

"I'm so sorry." Ominis apologized, bowing his head. Y/N placed his hand on Ominis' shoulder laughing a little, Ominis became red as his fingers fiddled with his robe. "I didn't know it was you Y/N." He admitted as he looked down becoming timid, Y/N and I looked at him and adored his movements.

"Shit we should go. Catch up with you after Ominis!" Y/N ran off not wanting to be late, I said my goodbyes and sprinted after him. I caught up to him as he was hunched over grabbing his stomach and breathing heavily. "I haven't run that much since last year!" He joked as I ran up beside him out of breath as well. "God, I need a puffer or something?" I looked at him questioning what he meant.

"A pufferfish? Why on earth would you need that?" I asked him as the doors swung open to reveal Professor Black, his arms crossed over his chest with a disappointed look.

"I expect better Sallow. And my top student Y/L." He looked over at Y/N as he shook his head. "I don't want either of you making out in the halls or anywhere for that matter." He ordered us to make sure we knew the new regulation, we nodded our heads flustered.

Professor Black lectured us about why we shouldn't do it. "Little youngsters will see both of you as role models, so act like it." He yelled placing his hands on the desk in front of us. We were in potions class as Black paced back in forth about our silly behaviour.

I looked over at Y/N and saw him mouthing everything Black was saying, he looked at me and continued emphasizing his mouth movements and hand gestures. I chuckled as I covered my mouth muffling my laugh, he laughed too and stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"Boys!" Our heads snapped to the headmaster, and we beamed at him pretending we were listening. "Good now clean every cauldron in this room." I stood up out of the chair we were placed in and shouted.

"What!" The headmaster only chuckled under his breath and left to the door.

"If it's not done it will be the boat house next." I heard Y/N gulp remembering how it was last year. Black left and wandered down the corridors.

"Well, we should get started." Y/N clapped his hands together as I looked at him shocked.

"You think you can clean that?" I pointed to a dirty cauldron. He nodded his head which made me scoff at him. I sat back in the chair, my arms crossed on the table with my head on top of it. I rolled my eyes as I watched how he grabbed a sponge and started cleaning.

Within five minutes he was asking me to help. I shook my head and told him to get lost if he thought I would do this, he obviously rolled his eyes mumbling under his breath.

"Stupid Sallow." He groaned as his knee banged against the cauldron. I laughed and threw my head back.

Suddenly I was on the ground with Y/N on top of me, and his body flushed up against mine, our lips only a movement away from kissing one another. My hands found their way to the back of his neck and abdomen, he flinched slightly as my hand travelled further down to the top of his crotch, his breathing became erratic and his pants became tight around the area my hand was on.

"Sebastian." He groaned as I looked back up at him, his eyes staring into mine. I swallowed all the saliva in my throat as he look down at my lips.

The hand on the back of his head pushed him down so our lips met like earlier, only Ominis wasn't here to interrupt. We started slow but started to get hungrier for each other, he pressed his erection into mine and started grinding making us both moan in response. I pulled away and spread my legs wider for him, he gladly pushed his front against mine, and I threw my head back as I moaned his name lowly.

"Sebastian I want to..." I looked away embarrassed about what he was going to ask. I cupped his cheek and pushed his head to face me, I smiled gleefully at him. "I want to pleasure you." He looked me in my eyes as mine became wide then my smile became wider, my face bright red.

He wants to do that to me!

But I want to do the same for him!

I nodded my head biting my lip, he smiled at me happy with my answer. "I need to hear you say it, Seb." His lips moved to my ear as whispered, my hips pushed up against his impatiently.

"Please, Y/N." I heard him let out a small groan as he pushed himself up. His hands made their way to my belt undoing it at a hurried pace, his hands were trembling, and I placed mine on top of his. "Breathe it's okay." I smiled at him as I assisted him to get my belt undone.

Words: 1405

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