Mimosas and Sharks

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Carlos grunts loudly at the painful pressure that is forming in the temples of his forehead. Even with his eyes still closed the sunlight coming from the windows is way too bright. Slowly he opens up one eye, squinting at first to minimise the damage to his pounding head. As soon as he's grown costume to the sun his gaze searches for the most important thing in the room; Lando. Carlos' ex-teammate is sprawled out next to him, impressively tangled into the blanket with his limbs. The Spaniard can't help but to smile fondly at the younger man's frown as he turns over to press his face into the fluffy pillow, almost knocking Carlos in the face with an elbow while doing so.

"Why the fuck is it so bright?" comes a mumbled complaint from within the pillow. Carlos barely has time to look around for a remote control for the fancy blinds before being stopped in his tracks by the beautiful grinning face of his fellow driver peeking up at him.

"Morning Lando" Carlos is almost overwhelmed by how much he likes saying that, waking up next to this man that he's known for about 3 years now.

"Damn Carlos, that groggy morning-voice of yours is something else" Lando responds completely honestly and nuzzles in closer with his face towards Carlos' chest. As he does Carlos gets a good glimpse of the vast amount of lovebites that are scattered over the Briton's neck and shoulders. The sight sends immediate signals to his entire body, making him gulp and flex his muscles under the blanket.

"These are going to be hard to cover up" Carlos giggles and carefully traces the red skin with his fingertips.

"Ah fuck. We really didn't think this through" Lando swears as he emerges from the crook of Carlos' neck.

"We? I thought about this very much" Carlos winks at the younger man.

"Oh is that so? Only fair if I repay the favour then".

The Spaniard should put up a fight, he really should, but there's not a fibre in his body that wants to stop the gorgeous young man in front of him as he surges forward and presses his lips against his own. There's not a single thought about morning breath, time schedules or other residents going through either of their minds as they melt together on the large bed. Only them.

Several minutes later Lando has still not moved on from Carlos' lips to his neck, they're just too delicious, but reality has catched up to them and Carlos has to excuse himself before going into the on-suit toilet to take a leak. With puffy lips and a silly smile on his face he nudges the door shut after him. Not a second later he hears something that makes him freeze in his steps. The door to his room has been opened and for a second Carlos wonders if Lando took this opportunity to sneak out, leaving him with a nauseous feeling in his gut. Fortunately, this was not the case.

"Buenos d... Lando?" It's Caco, the cousin and manager of Carlos who clearly has no regard for privacy. Carlos holds his breath, not knowing what he should do; stay put or enter the room again.

"Don't you knock?" he hears Lando ask, sounding a bit on edge.

"Sorry cabrón. I was 100% sure Rupert said that this was the room Carlos took last night but he's as out of it as ever" There's an awkward silence and Carlos can almost hear the cogs grind in Lando's brain from the other room.

"Anyway... Hungover? We're going down the road to have some brunch if you care to join. I'm just gonna find Carlos as well".

"Yeah, no. I'm fine, which is a miracle really. I'll be there in a moment" the Brit says and there's some more shuffling and then the sound of the door closing. Carlos, who totally forgot why he was in the toilet to begin with, enters his room again to see Lando covered up to his chin with the blanket. The two of them lock eyes for a second before Lando groans and covers his face with a pillow and Carlos bends over from laughing too much.

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