Toothpaste and Fairways

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"Could I use the bathroom? Just to freshen up a bit" Carlos asks, way more polite than he has to be. Lando, who has found a very comfortable position with his hands under his head, right thigh pressed against Carlos' and feet dangling just slightly off the ground, surges up so quickly that he gets dizzy.

"Fuck. I told Jon I'd join him for breakfast downstairs". He ignores his blurry vision and heads for the bathroom. He catches himself on the door frame and turns to his stunned friend. "Yes, of course. You can use it too".

Carlos chuckles to himself and slowly joins Lando. It's not a big bathroom by any means, but it fits two, if they take turns over the sink. Lando has already squeezed some toothpaste over his toothbrush and pushed it into his mouth when Carlos stands next to him. The Spaniard starts with wetting his face with cold water before putting some water on his hands and dragging them through his hair as he stands up straight again. He catches Lando's gaze in the mirror and gives him a playful wink. He's not sure if Lando tries to do it back or not but there's some blinking situation going on before the younger driver bends over and spits into the sink before continuing brushing.

"Could I have some toothpaste?" Carlos asks and points at a tube sticking out of Lando's toilet bag.

"Sure, go ahead mate" is the rather muffled response he gets. He's just about to lean over and grab the tube as two hands come flying into the bag, tossing all its contents around in a panicky fashion.

"Whoaaa!!" Lando shouts and Carlos jumps back in surprise. Lando then hands him the toothpaste, zips the bag and continues brushing like he doesn't have toothpaste all over his mouth now.

Carlos looks at the toothpaste, he swears the tube was a different colour before, but he shrugs it off and puts some paste on his finger, proper army style.

Lando is sweating, he's probably been brushing his teeth for over five minutes by now as well. He spits in the sink again and rinses his brush before attending to his extremely messy hair. Refusing to open his toilet bag again to get his hairbrush he just uses his fingers, backing away from the mirror when Carlos leans down to spit as well. Has Carlos' back always been so broad? And musculy? Is that a word? Probably not.

"You should cut it" Carlos says and smiles at him through the mirror.

"You always say that" Lando responds and starts moving his hands again, annoyed by a curl that just doesn't go the way he wants.

"Let me, cabron". Carlos turns around and pushes Lando's arms away easily. The Brit intends to protest but when those fingers hits his scalp he just melts into it. Like a purring cat. Although it's over way too soon and Carlos moves out of the way so that he can inspect the results in the mirror.

"Voila! Now you actually look half decent" Carlos is teasing him, but to his defence the hair looks much better now.

"Okay, okay.." is the only confirmation Lando gives him before heading out of the bathroom with Carlos, bumping into each other as they try to squeeze through the doorframe at the same time. Lando awkwardly dodges away and goes for a half empty water bottle on the nightstand, hoping it is his.

"Time for me to do the walk of shame then, no?" Carlos says from out of nowhere, making Lando choke on his water. He tries to catch his dribbles with his hand as he looks over at the smirking Spaniard.

"Jesus, Carlos. You can't just say that. Do you know what that implies?" He wipes his hand on his trousers and puts the bottle back down.

"I'm only joking with you, cabron. And I won't be telling anyone we slept together". This man has got to be joking.

"Yeah, great. I'm gonna have to bribe Jon not to tell anyone either" Lando rubs his head, receiving a displeased look from Carlos for messing up the hair again.

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