Ship Inspection. (Short)

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The Normandy lands back at the Citadel and Y/N has his Armor on, and he leaves with Kaiden and Tali.

Immediately upon leaving the Normandy, he is met with an Alliance Officer.

Kaiden: (Salutes) "Ten hut!"

Admiral M.: "At ease. Rear Admiral Mikhailovitch. Fifth Fleet."

Y/N: (Salutes) "Commander Shepard. SSV Normandy."

Admiral M.: "You don't know who I am, Commander? I command the 63rd Scout Flotilla. You and the Normandy was Slated for my unit after Shakedown. Then the Council got their claws... paws, tentacles, Whatever. They got them on our ship. And yours."

Y/N: "I still serve the Allaince, Admiral. As a Spectre, I can advance the Alliance interest in the Council."

Admiral M.: "Hmph. You still know what color your blood is, Shepard? I don't begrudge the politicians to throw you to the council. Its an... Opportunity. I do begrudge this overdesigned piece of tin, though."

Y/N: 'This Motherfucker...' "I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult my ship, Sir. The Normandy is a fine ship. She served us well."

Admiral M.: "It's a gimmick, Commander. Useless in a stand up fight."

Y/N: "I don't believe you've read the Reports on the ship, Sir. The Normandy was never built for all out combat. She's a Stealth ship, built for Reconnaissance, Scouting, and dropping of Soldiers and equipment incognito."

Admiral M.: "Hmph. Well, She is still an Alliance vessel, and I am here to inspect it. See if it's up to Snuff."

Y/N: "The Normandy is an Alliance ship, but she is on loan to the Council. That means she isn't in your chain of command."

Admiral M.: "I believe there is something wrong with my ears. Did you just contradict me?"

Y/N: "No sir. Just pointing out the situation you are in. However, you are free to look around, but you cannot file this as a formal inspection."

Admiral M.: "You've got a smart mouth, Commander. Fine. This visit will be off the Record. A courtesy tour. Wait here. I won't be long."

Y/N sighs and he leans against the dock railing as the Admiral entered the Normandy.

Tali: "He seemed like a real Bosh'tet."

Y/N: "Thats because he is."

Kaiden: "He is still a Superior, Commander."

Y/N: "I know, Lieutenant. I'll still show him the respect his position deserves."
After about 15 minutes, the Admiral comes back.

Admiral M.: "Commander, I am not happy."

Y/N: "Something not up to order?"

Admiral M.: "Who designed that CIC? Putting the Commander aft of everyone else is inefficient. What if he needs to discuss with the operators towards the bow?"

Y/N: "This was modified Turian Style. They preferred the Commander to look over their subordinates, rather in the middle of them. We wanted to see how effectively they can command like that."

Admiral M.: "Hm. Reasonable goal. But they should have studied that in a lab rather than a front line warship. But I had to shake my head at that Drive core of yours. 120 billion credits of Element zero to make that thing move without giving itself away. You do realize we could make drive cores for 12,000 fighters with that money? What good is it to hide a few hours, anyway? Useless?"

Y/N: "Do you... not know what reconnaissance is, Admiral? Not being able to be seen means that we can loiter in enemy systems undetected, to monitor enemy comm traffic, or drop of infiltration teams undetected. It also means we can't be targeted, or see on radars or scanners. Once again, SIR. It's a STEALTH Ship."

The Admiral was quiet for a second.

Admiral M.: "... Maybe. But that isn't the job of a proper warship. We're supposed to find and kill the enemy, not count how many times the enemy garrison goes to the bathroom. And we need to talk about your crew, Commander."

Y/N was about to lose his Temper slightly.

Y/N: (Slightly Annoyed) "What about them, Admiral?"

Adniral M.: "Krogan? Asari? Quarian? TURIAN?! What are you thinking, Commander?  You can't allow alien Nationals free access to Alliance equipment!"

Y/N: (Annoyed) "Last I checked, SIR. This vessel isn't yours to command, nor is it apart of the Alliance at this time. I'm it's Commanding officer, so I have say on who gets to go on my Damn ship."

Admiral M.: "You know I'm right, Commander. You want them on board, fine. But dont quote Regs at me. Do you have anything else to say to justify the State of this Vessel?"

Y/N: "I believe I've said enough, Sir. Now with all due respect, get hell out of my sight."

Admiral M.: "Hmph. Very well."

And the Admiral leaves, and Kaiden looked at Y/N.

Kaiden: "Commander, was that necessary?"

Y/N: "I'm a Spectre, Kaiden. Rank doesn't matter to me anymore. And he crossed the line when he insulted who is apart of my crew. Let's get going we've wasted enough time."

Tali: "You alright, Shepard?"

Y/N: (Takes a breath) "I'm fine, Tali... thanks for asking."

Tali smiled under her helmet.

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