The Citadel

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Y/N starts to wake up in the med bay after some time. He was wearing the standard crew uniform. He sits up and feels like the Normandy crashed into him.

Ashley: "Docter? Doctor Chakwas? I think he's waking up."

As she says this, Y/N is already out of bed and rolling his shoulders.

Dr. Chakwas: "You had us worried there, Shepard. How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "I feel like I was digested by a Thresher Maw. How long was I out?"

Dr. Chakwas: "About 15 hours. Something happened to the Beacon, I think."

Ashley: "It's my fault. I must have triggered some kind of security field when I approached it. You had to push me out the way."

Y/N: "I want to say that was careless, Williams. But you had no idea what could have happened."

Ashley gives a small smile.

Dr. Chakwas: "Actually, I don't even know if that's what set it off. Unfortunately we'll never get the chance to find out."

Ashley: "The Beacon exploded. A system overload maybe. The Blast knocked you cold. The Lieutenant and I had to wait for Backup just so we could carry you back to the ship."

Y/N: "Was I injured?"

Dr. Chakwas: "Physically, your fine. But I detected some unusual brain activity. Abnormal beta waves. I also noticed an increase in rapid eye movement. Signs typically associated with intense dreaming."

Y/N: "The Beacon showed me something. I saw death. Alot of it. Destruction on a galactic scale... I'm not entirely sure, though."

Dr. Chakwas: "Hm. I better add this to my report. It may-- Ah, Captain Anderson."

Anderson walked into the med bay.

Anderson: "How is our XO holding up?"

Dr. Chakwas: "Well, he's already on his feet. The readings look normal. He should be fine."

Anderson: "Glad to hear it. Shepard. I need to speak with you. In private."

Ashley: (Salutes) "Aye aye, Captain. I'll be in the mess if you need me."

Dr. Chakwas and Ashley leave.

Anderson: "Sounds like that Beacon hit you pretty hard, Commander. You sure your okay?"

Y/N: "I assume you commissioned a transfer for Williams?"

Anderson: "Correct, Shepard. We need all the help we need, now that we are short one man."

Y/N: "Hm... You said you needed to speak with me?"

Anderson: "I won't lie to you, Shepard. Things look bad. Nihilus is dead, the Beacon is destroyed, and the Geth are invading. The Council will want answers."

Y/N: "Permission to speak freely, Sir?"

Anderson: "Granted."

Y/N: "The Council can go fuck themselves. If the Geth hadn't interfered, and Saren didn't kill Nihilus, nothing wouldn't have gone wrong. This isn't the Alliance's fault."

Anderson: "I'll stand behind you and your report, like always. Your a damned hero in my books. That's not why I'm here. It's the other Turian. Saren. Saren is a spectre, one of the best. A living legend. But if he's working with the Geth, then that means he's gone Rouge. A Rouge spectre is trouble. Saren is dangerous. And he hates humans."

Y/N: "I'm guessing he hates us because of our advancements. He thinks we are growing too fast."

Anderson: "You would be correct. But Saren has allied himself with the Geth. I don't know how or why. I only know that it had something to do with the Beacon. You were there before the Beacon self destructed. Did you see anything? Anything that might tell us what Saren is after?"

Assuming direct control. (Mass Effect x Male Reader.)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang