The Asari Archeologist

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On the Normandy, Y/N is out of his Armor and is in his normal Alliance uniform. He is seen speaking with Joker.

Joker: "I heard about what happened to Captain Anderson. Survives a hundred battles and gets taken down by backroom politics. Just watch your back, Commander. Things go bad on this mission, you're next on the chopping block."

Y/N: "I'm ready for whatever comes our way."

Joker: "Everyone on this ship is behind you, Commander. One hundred percent. Intercom is open, if you've got anything to say to the crew, now's the time."

Y/N thinks for a second, thinking about what he'll say, before he puts his hand on the button and speaks into the microphone.

Y/N: "This is your Commander speaking. We have our orders. Find Saren before he finds the Conduit. We all know why we are here. You chose to be here, and I am counting on each and everyone of you. We all know what happened on Eden Prime. We saw what Saren did, and I will make sure he answers for his crimes against the Galaxy. He will be ready for us. And I expect you all to be ready for that. This is the most important Mission any of us have been on. The fate of the Galaxy is at risk, and I expect you all to be ready to dive feet first into hell, and I'll be there along side with you for the whole journey. Make me proud."

Joker: "Well said, Commander. Captain would be proud."

Y/N: "Anderson gave up everything so I could have this chance. We won't fail."

Joker: "Yes sir!"

Y/N then walked away to the Galaxy map and plots a course to the Artemis Tau cluster, and after a bit, they arrive at a planet called Therum. Y/N gets his gear ready and decided to bring along Wrex and Garrus. The Normandy drops off the squad in a Mako and it lands on the ground. Y/N then drives it to the objective.

Y/N: 'I forgot how clunky the driving is on this.'

Joker: (Comms) "Commander, I'm picking up some strange readings. Really strange, like, off the damn charts. It looks like it's coming from an underground complex a few kicks away from the drop zone."

Y/N: "Thanks for the Update, Joker."

They continue driving foward, until they encounter an Outpost up ahead controlled by the Geth.

Wrex: "Only a fool punches a Nathak in the mouth. We should sneak around and pull it's tail."

Y/N takes Wrex's advice and drives around. They continue, with
Y/N deciding to avoid the outpost, until they couldn't drive further. So they had to continue on foot.

They get out of the Mako, and continued foward, Weapons ready incase they come across more Geth, Which they do. Up ahead, there were some troops, So Y/N and company open fire on them, with the Geth Returning fire. It was only a Small squad, so they were taken out rather quickly. They continue foward.

They end up finding a sort of Archeological site up ahead, and then they see a Geth Armature drop out from the sky, along with a few squads of Geth.

Y/N: "Weapons Free!"

And Y/N's Fireteam take cover and shoot at the Geth, with the Armature firing at their cover, making it difficult to find good cover.

Y/N: "Prioritize the Tank!"

And the Fireteam focus fire on the Tank, with Wrex using Warp, Garrus using Overload, And Y/N throwing an Incindary Grenade. And the Armature gets destroyed. The rest of the Geth are taken out.

Y/N: "Let's head inside. Dr. T'soni must be nearby."

Garrus: "Any Idea what to expect inside, Shepard?"

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