Eden Prime.

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We open up on a shot of earth as it suddenly fades to black and then a shot of Jupiter as the Normandy flies by.

Joker: (Comms) "The Arcturus Prime Relay is in range. Initiating transmission sequence."

We then see Y/N walk by a few of his crew members, them saluting as he walks by.

Joker: (Comms) "We are connected. Calculating transit mass and destination. Relay is hot, acquiring approach vector. All stations, secure for transit. Board is green. Approach run has begun."

Y/N entered the cockpit and stands by while Joker makes the jump. He looked to his right, and see's Nihilus, the Turian spectre. The one who is supposed to be overseeing his evaluation to join the spectres. But he isn't supposed to know that.

Y/N: (Sighing) 'Knowing about the future is both helpful, and stressful. I only have one shot at this, to get the best ending possible. Luckily, I've played through the trilogy enough times to know how to get the best ending.'

The Normandy approached the Mass Relay and begins the jump.

Joker: "Hitting the Relay in 3... 2... 1..."

And the Normandy takes off like a bullet out a rail gun.

Joker: "Thrusters. check. Navigation... check. Internal emissions sink engaged. All systems online. Drift... just under 1500 K."

Nihilus: "1500 hundred is good. Your captain will be pleased."

And Nihilus leaves to go speak with Anderson.

Joker: "I hate that guy."

Kaiden: "Nihilus gave you a compliment... so you hate him?"

Joker: "You remember to zip up your jumpsuit on the way out of the bathroom? That's good. I just jumped us halfway across the
galaxy and hit a target the size of a pinhead. So that's incredible! Besides, spectre's are trouble. I don't like having them on board. Call me paranoid."

Kaidan: "You're paranoid. The Council helped fund this project. They have a right to send someone to keep an eye on their investment."

Joker: "Yeah, that is the official story. But only an idiot believes the official story."

Y/N: "There is more than meets the eye with this mission."

Joker: "So there is more going on here than the captains letting on."

Anderson: (Comms) "Joker! Status report."

Y/N: 'Speaking of him...'

Joker: "Just cleared the Mass Relay, Captain. Stealth systems engaged. Everything looks solid."

Anderson: "Good. Find a comm buoy and link us into the network. I want mission reports relayed back to Alliance brass before
we reach Eden Prime."

Joker: "Aye aye, Captain. Better brace yourself, though. I think Nihilus is headed your way."

Anderson: "He's already here, Lieutenant."

Joker shakes his head in embarrassment.

Anderson: "Tell Commander Shepard to meet me in the comm room for a debriefing."

Joker: "You hear that, Commander?"

Y/N: "I heard."

And he turned and leaves the Cockpit. He passed by Navigator Pressly, and decided to speak with him.

Pressly: (Saluting) "Congratulations, Commander. Looks like we hada smooth run. You heading down to see the captain?"

Y/N: "I'm on my way to give him a status report."

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