Y/N Fun facts 2

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#11: Mass effect 3 was Y/N's favorite game, but his favorite DLC was the lair of the Shadow Broker.

#12: Tali was his favorite romance.

#13: The only companion that Y/N doesn't like is Jacob.

#14: Has watched the Mass Effect Gamer poop to the point where he would quote many of the hilarious scenes in his head.

#15: Suicide Mission is his favorite Song in the soundtrack.

#16: On Y/N's first playthrough of Mass Effect, he played as a Paragon, but he didn't like how nice he was, so he did a Renegade Shepard run, and he found it to be more entertaining.

#17: Y/N has memories from both his past life, and his life in the Mass Effect Universe.

#18: You'll find out more about Y/N's previous life later in the book.

#19: During Y/N's first playthrough, during the final ending of Mass Effect 3, Y/N decided to shoot the catalyst just for the hell of it, and he laughed his ass off that he just accidentally doomed the Galaxy.

#20: He thought the customization of Mass Effect's character model was too complicated, so he just stuck with the default model.

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