To be honest, I don't want anything to do with all of them in that palace or even anyone in this pack. They had crushed my soul and killed every ounce of love and affection I had for them. The only person I have in my heart is my mate.

"You really stunned everyone." Scarlett muttered as we both sat in the car that would take us to school. I noticed she had been stealing glances at me and swallowing lumps in her throat, afraid to talk to me.

I guess she's just got enough courage now.

"What did I do?" I shrugged without even giving her a glimpse as a frown crossed my face at the sound of her voice. Those voices had caused me a lot of pain, including the terrible torture of being marked as a slave and scorned in the classroom.

She took some minutes to talk again, as if gathering more courage.

"The way you brought those hefty men down so easily and swiftly was really like magic. It reminds me of the tales about the moon goddess that my mother told me of." She breathed, and I could feel her eyes all over me.

I gave her no response as the car zoomed off, the driver avoiding anything that would make his eyes meet mine. He must have heard what I did in the palace and won't dare do anything wrong to avoid joining those guards in the grave.

We finally got to the school, and Scarlett was the first to open the door and leap out of the car, and before I could open mine, the driver had already done it for me. Opening the car door and bowing.

"I didn't beg for that. Try it next time and I will make you eat your poop!" I warned sternly, feeling so irked. I don't need any nice gestures, all because I've gotten great powers. I simply hate every one of my park members right now.

"I am sorry. I will never...."

I couldn't hear the rest as I was already heading to the school building with Scarlett following behind as if she were my bodyguard.

"If you knew how much I hate you, right now you'd be running far away from me. Your presence irks the shit out of me, and I am really fighting hard not to smash your face to the wall!" I spun and seethed to her face, making her cringe and almost toppling in panic.

Her eyes widened as she stood frozen, as if she had gone paralyzed.

"I am so stupid!" She spluttered, and the next minute, she was running away from me, using the backdoor to enter the class.

I exhaled in relief and entered the school building, Just as I got to the hallway that leads to the classroom, I saw this familiar face coming towards me. I've seen her before, but I couldn't really tell where she was until she drew closer, and then it hit me like a bomb.

She was the lady I caught with my mate. She was the girl who Dracula claimed to be his real mate, while I was the fake one. This was the girl who made the Lycan prince turn his back on me.

"You are Ella, right?" Just as we crossed paths, she threw the question at me, and I had to swirl and face her with a frown.

"Yes, why do you ask?" I placed my hands on my waist, fighting to keep the anger boiling inside me from bursting out. Her pretty face was the glaring opposite of her heart. It so much betrayed how bad her inner heart was that I wondered how an innocent-looking girl like her could go as far as performing the forbidden love enchantment.

"But you look different from what people have told me about you" she sneered, scanning her face from my head to toe as she circled me, swaying her waist in pride, her eyes flinting with pure hatred and jealousy.

"Why can't I see the slave mark? You are no longer the famous princess turned slave ? What changed?" She scoffed, and I hissed, irritatingly.

"I don't have the strength to stand here and talk with you. I don't even want to have any words with you, girl. But just know this, you are a fool for touching my mate with those disgusting hands of yours!" I flared, even before I could control myself. I didn't know I could be this possessive over Dracula till now. The scene of this girl hugging him made me boil with fury inside.

"We both know who his mate is and that's the girl who revoked his curse. Stop daydreaming, little demon... Dracula is"

The last word couldn't come out completely before I fired a hot slap to her cheek, so hard that the sound echoed through the hallways as she crashed heavily on her butt, screaming in pain, her hands clutching her cheek.

"Don't dare call me a demon. Just don't dare!" I warned and walked away, ignoring the students that were trouping out of the classroom and rushing to see what was going on. The slap sound must have been really loud to draw their attention.

"You will surely regret this, I swear!!" She screeched from behind, her cry sounding like a baby who had been denied the mother's breast.

I wonder who will actually regret her actions when Dracula eventually finds out she was the one who used the forbidden charm on him.

The Cursed LycanNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ