Chapter 4: Beware the Monsters Playground

Start from the beginning

The Jabberwock covered so much of the sky. Their scanners could see it wasn't everywhere, but where has it been? Its massive scope would prove difficult to maneuver, but not impossible. Meanwhile, aboard The Depths, Idris' concern for Taliyah never left him. Except, he was not worried about her success. In fact he couldn't have been more certain she would succeed. He was however worried at what cost it would be for her. He was in the medward, getting medicine for a migraine, his vision was unsteady and he refused to leave his post long. Someone had been there to greet him at the door, "Any word from your dear 'daughter' yet, Sir Idris?" Deetz emphasized daughter, a teasing smirk across her face. Knowing how it annoyed and yet filled him with pride at the same time.

"Now, now Madam Deetz, it is impolite to speak of Sir Majari like that." Chuckled Idris. He then sighed, his own witty response not calming his nerves. "No word yet."

Deetz shrugged following Idris as they made their way back to the command deck. "Well, with Sir Majari there, Madam Taliyah is in good hands!" She hoped to actually gauge more of what Idris was thinking. Everyone was worried about each other. Idris had to keep his mind focused. Majari had updated him from time to time with what he had been working with. At this point, Taliyah had not been betrayed yet by the trio. And Majari would not have been able to keep his mouth shut about an update from Taliyah. Especially if it went downhill like that.

Majari's complaint resurfaced in Idris' mind. A few days before the plan to get Taliyah out of custody and towards the High Stakes Eye. Majari ended up in custody as well because, well, he's Majari. He's never far from Taliyah for too long. Deetz was a good backup anyhow. The two of them spoke aboard the Depths in Idris' cabin. "We should be there with her! The 3 of us together would get it done in record time! I mean, yeah you're old but you still got it! Sir."

Idris didn't regret his following response but that didn't make it easy for him to say, "Sir Majari, you are in the top 5 pilot class rank. There is no one I trust more securing Madam Taliyah's passage off world than you. We are needed where our skills are best."

Pacing back and forth, Majari continued trying to find ways to convince them. His gut was urging him to be on the ground team with her. Being her transport wasn't enough to calm him. Majari grunts, "I don't care much for the team she is going with either. They don't seem right, call me paranoid."

"You're paranoid." Idris patted Majari on the shoulders, "Her team was the best but they need more time to recuperate, 48 hours with no sleep. Madam Taliyah is literally built different. This team is the runner up. Let them prove themselves."

Idris and Deetz arrived at the command center, the crew was as quiet as a whisper. The tension demanded it. Until, the CO approached him and spoke. "Sir Idris, I can cover for you, if you wish. Can't say I recall the last time I've seen you eat or sleep." This Cheshire, Colbin held his hands behind his back with modesty. He was a pale blue with streaks of grey throughout with matching eyes.

"Plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead, which I don't plan on happening anytime soon. And eat, you see this gut? I have plenty of resources." Idris commented with resolve.

The C.O saluted with a wide toothed grin. "You never cease to impress me. But, should you even need an extra wink, let me know." The pilot spoke next with an uncertainty in his voice, to Idris, as they found some openings away from where the Jabberwock's focus was. "Admiral Idris, sir. The scanners are showing a scattered mass of - debris or asteroids of some kind. It's just outside the atmosphere. "

The 3 walked over to the port view. The sky faded, with the cold void of space greeting them next. Idris gave the command to stay alert and be ready for any quick maneuvering. What they saw beyond the sky, baffled and frightened them. "A graveyard of ships?!" Idris stepped out beyond Colbin and Deetz for a closer look. "These arent ours, theyre ancient." Idris, like the rest of his crew, was purturbed. A whole armada worth of these ships were a drift here.

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