Chapter 1: Does Mother Always Know Best?

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Chapter 1 Does Mother always know best?

Bigsby had lost track of how far he had traveled in this desperate escape. The unique craft he traveled in was an extension of himself. With it, he was able to traverse many planes of existence. It served him well, as stealthy protection from the ravenous Infinite Jabberwock. Bigsby's ride had an Aerotrain and Steampunk style design. A marvelous slim vessel colored black and blue. Its name was, "Shepard". The engine was unlike any other and oh so soothing to hear. Nevertheless, Bigsby's heart at this time felt cold and grim. Quite often, Shepard ended up being a home away from home to him. While nothing else but the cold infinite void of space was left outside of it.

There were no more stars here. Nothing at all was left in this part of the void, the once magnificent Cheshire Galaxy. Over and over, this nightmare of a monster swarmed and consumed no matter what came to it. Its reach seemed limitless. With a rapacious roar, that never left Bigsby's mind from the very first time he heard it so long ago. Bigsby barely managed to stay a step ahead. If you could call this, a step ahead, he thought.

He'd gone too far to give up fighting. So, while luring the Jabberwock away out into dark space, Bigsby would wait hidden away. To then later rebuild pieces at a time once he made his way back. Once he was within range, he warped back to a Makali Lighthouse. The twinkles and embers of the Galaxy, the very stars that once were and the life with it, weren't mere memories. They were Star Dust. Star Dust were remnants of life in one of its simplest forms. While the Jabberwock consumed and consumed, reviving these twinkles and embers became all that mattered to Bigsby. With what he saved, he carefully stored them along specially crafted, specially hidden lighthouses along the late Galaxies edges.

The first of the embers he personally carried, had begun to shine brighter than before as he addressed them. "Sir, Iza (I-Zah), wake up my friend– this train won't go on forever." In Bigsby's language, males were addressed with Sir while females were addressed with Madam. At least that's what they were loosely translated to.

"I-I'm sorry," He said softly, in embarrassment. "You have me at a disadvantage. You look familiar, but I don't recall much else about you." This soft orb of light before Bigsby, was far from the Iza he knew. But this was all that was needed to start again. It was no easy feat.

"Under the circumstances, I can forgive that." Bigsby said this with a chuckle, struggling to smile. "We are good - good friends after all. I'm sorry you aren't your usual self, my name is Bigsby." He caressed the orb in his hand, "This is only a temporary handicap. You'll be in tip top shape in no time as you continue your restoration. Now, how are you feeling?" Bigsby was a Cheshire (Chess-sh-ire), an alien species that resembled a mixture of cat, and owl with jackal legs. Cheshire ranged in many colors, Bigsby had black fur, with blue feathers and spots. He wore a jingasa. With peculiar white glasses that had one circular lense, while the other was square. A black shawal wrapped along his body.

"Bigsby, that name does sound familiar. I don't feel right, everythings so hazy. How could I forget a friend? Wha- my body - where is my-body?!'' This disorientation also angered him. Finding out he didnt have a body currently didn't help. This light of his Bigsby had stored, emanated from technology integrated into his arm and other cybernetic parts of his body. His eyes never left his friend, but the warm glow in his eyes dimmed with sadness. This may be the last time he can elude the Jabberwock. The line between them and those monsters would have to fade just a bit more.

"Consider this, like rebooting a computer. You'll have your body again before you know it. It just has to 'reboot', if you will. The Jabberwock is to blame this predicament we are in, it's a cosmic terror - a destroyer of worlds. And I refuse to let our long journey end with it."

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