Chapter 1: intro

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I woke up covered in sweat as I felt my hair at the back of my neck stand on end  and shivers down my spine  my heart fell to my stomach as I heard the loud boom of thunder outside my room.

I looked around my room frantically as I tried to catch my breath I stood up with a wobble as I tried to make it for the door I don't know why but I had this sudden sensation that my life was in danger!.

Then I felt a cold hand grab my shoulder I tried to break free as I began to hyperventilate Let Go!! I screeched as I still tried to open the door my vision was still blurred and sweat soaked my back but everything in me was screaming to get out of there.

Then I heard a worried voice yell behind me Emma! Wake up!.

But i just couldn't I felt if I stayed in that room a second longer I'd die.

Then the person walked in front of me and shook my shoulders to wake me up their face was blurry but it was no doubt that the person in front of me was my mom.

I stopped screaming and started to open my eyes as I breathed heavily then I realized I was a wake I looked around as my breathing became slower.

Emma! my mom shouted worried .

I looked at her swiftly as I began to calm down.

My mom had a worried look on her face then her eyes softened.

These night terrors are getting outta hand said my mother this is the third time in a row I've stopped you from running away in your sleep why won't you just go see a psychiatrist?.

I pushed her hands off of me as I go to grab a new shirt and a towel to wipe off the sweat well I said as I took off my shirt.

because if I see a psychiatrist they will prescribe me with medication then I'll be running away in my sleep butt ass naked and i think we both don't wanna have to deal with that I say as I put my new shirt on.

My mom sighed as she left the room.

I sit on my bed and stare out the window as I sigh.

My name is Emma Leith and I'm 16 my birthday is in three months into October my town in October gets colder quicker and rains a lot that place where they filmed the first twilight? My town is just like it as for seasons.

My town is called lake field grove I know it sounds like some shit off of scooby doo.

But it's alright.

I'm one of the tallest girls in my school and one of the biggest tomboys my hair is lighter than most blonds with black roots.

my eyes are a blue ish grey they look mostly grey though and I have freckles across my nose and though I am a tomboy I couldn't have a more girlier body I have an hour glass figure

and honestly if all the kids at my school didn't think I was an emo freak or wasn't so scared of me I'd have a boyfriend by now.

Now I bet you're wondering why they think I'm an emo freak because for the longest time my best friends older sister told me how to put on eye liner little did I know she didn't know what the hell she was doing.

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