Unfinish business. (fixed)

Start from the beginning

all you could do was look at her with just udder Disbelieve and betrayal, but you couldn't deny that natty was right

" You know Y/N if you confess. I'm surely you'll get the answer you are looking for," ominis chimes in

"Now, why do you say that?" You tired to Inquire But he didn't respond. Instead, he Shruged and walked away

"Hey! Wait, ominis. You can't do that!" But He just kept walking away while Your cries fell on deaf door.

you look back at Natty. She just Shruged her shoulders "well this is been a fun morning, but I need to head to charm class, I'll see you around Y/NN."

with that natty headed off with you still standing there. Processing everything that has happened.

After a few seconds, you started walking toward the Potions class

"Hey, Y/N didn't expect to see you so soon after you ran away from me,"

you look over to see sebastian look down at you with a big wide smile man did he look adorable.

You sofly laughed in response. "I honestly don't know what happened."

"No, it's okay. I found it quite adorable. Now, are you going to answer that question?"

Did he just call me adorable?!

"Maybe later," you said with the devilish smirk

sebastian grabed your hand and lead you to a small room no windows but it hand cleaning Supplies all over the shelf a broom leaned Against the door frame while a bucket With no water just a mop Laid in it

you turn around, not realizing how small the room really was triping on said bucket behind you, but you

Realizing Sebastian Caught you. His hand rested on your lower back, which sent chills up your spine

You look up seeing sebastian is inches from you. He leaned in closer and whisper "you should really be more careful. Don't want hurting yourself."

Your heart is Racing.Unconsciously, raising your hand to his chest, you begin to move your hand to feel a pretty solid build under his shirt

"You know if you wanted to feel me up, you could have asked me," he said while having a smirk.

you pulled your hand away has fast has you could face beat red at this point. "S-sorry don't know what I was thinking. Just forget about that. Please" look away in embarrassment.

with his free hand, he raised it up to your chin, lifting your head, forcing you to face him.

You couldn't help but look down at his lips they look so soft. Your mind was being Flooded with thought of him kissing you all Sorts of ways.

You lift your hand now, resting on his cheek, looking deep in his eye while you thumb move now, touching his bottom lip

"How about you give me that answer?"

Pushing your hand to the back of his neck, your fingers now intertwined with his hair getting on your Tippy toes and tilting your head.
"Now kids really shouldn't be making out in the supply closet." Both of you are completely embarrassed and looked over at who just walked in on us

"Now get to class before you get in trouble,"

both you scurried out has fast has you could. looking over at sebastian, you could see disappointed in his eyes and a slight red tint on his cheeks.

Both you walk to Potions class in Silence, either from embarrassed or too shy to talk about what just happened who knows.

Class went by quickly. Your mind kept racing back to what happened in the closet, how close he was, the smell of him, almost earthly and a hint of ginger.

Curious Snakes (Sebastian Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now