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"Julian-sama, here are the figures for last month's shipping."

Sorento stood before the blue haired young man in white suit, a sheaf of paper in his hand. Julian Solo was standing at the window behind his work desk, staring at the vast expanse of the ocean waves washing over the beach.

Sorento placed the paper on the desk, and observed Julian silently. He felt something odd about him. Something strangely familiar...


Julian turned to look at Sorento. His eyes were strangely clouded, as if something had taken possession of his body.

"Y-yes, P-Poseidon?" Sorento quickled kneeled before Julian. Sorento now knew what that familiar odd thing was. It was the cosmo of the Sea god, Poseidon. No one except Poseidon ever addressed him by Siren.

And Sorento was the Siren Marine General, the ruler of the South Atlantic Ocean.

Julian—or rather, Poseidon—strode towards his general.

"I've been thinking, Siren. Maybe the war against Athena is enough, but I want to reclaim what was supposed to be part of my dominion."

"And what is that?" asked Sorento cautiously, wondering what triggered Poseidon's awakening in Julian. Greek god's often take humans as a vessel for them to walk around on earth and yes, Julian had been the vessel of the sea god, but after the war between the Marine Generals and Athena's bronze Saints, Poseidon had never taken possession ever again.

"The land of Ice far in the north," replied Poseidon. "Asgard."

"The land of the God Warriors?"

"Exactly. That place is built over an expanse of frozen sea. Their so-called land is actually part of my territory. And I'm thinking of reclaiming it."

Sorento hesitated, "But Poseidon-sama...Out of the seven Marine Generals, I'm the only one left. The others–"

Sorento wanted to say, were killed by the bronze saints because they fell for the Sea Dragon's scheme. But Sorento wouldn't like to rouse Poseidon's anger by reminding him of the disgrace.

Poseidon seemed to understand what Sorento wanted to say. He waved his hand as if he was brushing the matter away.

"You don't need to worry about it," he said. "I have prepared for this."

Just as he finished saying that, came the knock on the door of Chairman Julian's office.


The door opened to reveal several of Julian's managers. They entered politely, although it was obvious that they were wondering what the matter was. One of them shut the door behind him.

"Good day, Chairman Julian. How can we be of service?"

"I'd like to tell you about a plan I've made. But first, follow me."

Julian closed his eyes, and a magic circle appeared on the floor. There was a blinding flash, and everyone found themselves in an ancient, Greek-styled room.

The newcomers stood in a row before Julian, while Sorento hastily stood beside him.

"I would like to reclaim a country, far in the north, where snow falls throughout the year. This country is called Asgard."

"Asgard?" Zane, the vice-chairman, cocked his head to the side. "I've never heard that a country by that name existed."

"To reclaim a country..." Kazuma seemed to be deep in thought. He had many experience in dealing with Law while working in the company. "Well, there are several things we must prepare, like a constitution, then–"

"Do you think a god like me still needs those things to reclaim my territory?" Poseidon glared at Kazuma, who wisely fell silent.

The others exchanged confused glances. A god? What was their chairman talking about?

Sorento gave a little cough, and Poseidon sighed, "Right. You haven't acquired the memories of your true self, yet. Then I shall recall the memories of my 13th century marine generals, the first generation of them."

Sorento looked in surprise. He'd been Poseidon's general for a long time, yet he never had a single memory of the previous Siren General. Does that mean Poseidon is going to replace him?

"I do beg your pardon," Sorento whispered in a low voice. "But—I have never possessed any memories. Does that mean–"

Poseidon ignored him. The young man raised his hand with a flourish, and a bluish cosmo shone from his hand, enveloping the room in a bright light.

Sorento shielded his eyes. He was suddenly flooded with all sorts of flashbacks. It was like living through an entire life in a short moment. Sorento felt as if he'd been the one who played a deadly melody to kill Poseidon's opponents. He accompanied Poseidon along with the Sea Dragon General throughout the centuries. Sorento realized that this was the memories of the Siren General, regardless of the generation.

He suddenly found his mind returning to his own body. Sorento took a step backward, unsteady after the flashback.

Meanwhile, the other generals who had received their memories knelt before the sea god.

"We pledge our loyalty to you, Lord Poseidon."

Julian nodded, and motioned for them to look around their backs.

At the back of the room, stood eight pedestals, with sapphire coloured armors sitting atop each one of them. Each pedestal had a metal label with the name of a Marine General.

Sorento gulped. These were scales, armors that the Mariners wear, but this was not like Sorento remembered them. They were blue, instead of dark gold, and as far as Sorento knew, they were destroyed when the Mariners were defeated by the Bronze Saints.

"How is this possible?" He muttered. "Where did these come from?"

"These are the new Scales, to replace the old ones that have been heavily damaged. They were made by Heaphastus himself, and strengthened by the Blood of Poseidon," explained Poseidon.

While he said that a shadow shifted on the corner of the room, and a figure walked into the light. It took Sorento a moment to recognise who she was.

"Thetis!" He gasped. "Why are you here?"

Thetis smiled, "That is not important. Wherever Poseidon is, I shall remain by his side."

Sorento glanced back at Poseidon, who summoned his Trident out of his cosmo and held it high in the air, "And now, arise—My Neo Marine Generals!"

The Scales glowed, and they attached themselves each to a Marine General.

"Leviathan Zane, Tyrant of the North Atlantic Ocean!"

"Siren Sorrento, Lord of the South Atlantic Ocean!"

"Mata Ray Kazuma, Ruler of the Arctic Ocean!"

"Chrysaor Satoru, Shah of the Indian Ocean!"

"Scylla Vivian, Empress of the South Pacific Ocean!"

"Hippocampus Ian, King of the North Pacific Ocean!"

"And Megalodon Arawa, Sovereign of the Antarctic Ocean!"

"We will rise and show the world what we are capable of!" declared Poseidon.


🇬🇧 Well, that is it. Don't forget to give your opinion of it! Arigatou...

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