WEAKENING: Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

By this point, all the redstone lamps on daylight sensors flicker and activate, conducting a new light in the hall.

"What did you find, Lukas?" Jesse asks.

"It's about withered nether stars, like the one that the Witherstorm dropped after you defeated it."

I lean closer to Lukas, seeing his page sideways though I can still read it clearly.

Withered nether stars drop from mutated versions of the Wither after it has been defeated.

Unlike normal nether stars, they aren't used in a beacon's crafting process instead, placed on top of the beacon to activate its effect:

- Powers 9 beacons (or Varied Beacon)
- Registers everything in a 200-500 radius

When I read the bottom of the page, my breath hitches in my throat.


Beacons powered by a Withered nether star should be handled with caution.

Too many registered entities in the radius can cause the beacon to become unstable due to over-distribution of power. This will release an unknown defense mechanism of the beacon that it will use to save itself.

If the beams and pyramid seem to wither, DEACTIVATE IMMEDIATELY.

Radar's the first to speak, pushing back his glasses further up the bridge of his nose uneasily. "What does that mean?"

"No," Jesse says, rubbing her temples delicately (even in her frustration weirdly enough). "There are too many people in Beacontown. And our beacon is withering."

Its beams can be viewed from where we are. Behind all of Jesse's treasures, the window lets us see the darkening beacon. My heart skips a beat, looking at them. "What do we do now?"

"You saw what the book said. We gotta deactivate the thing," Lukas says.

The hero in residence draws in a huge breath. "As much as I'd hate to shut down the very component that makes our town, I'm not keen on booting my people out, either."

"Jesse, the beacon isn't what makes Beacontown Beacontown. It's you. It's the people. Your hero story is the beacon. The New Order's widespread tale is the trophy, not the withered nether star."

She smiles bashfully at Lukas's remark as I still process everything that's happening - never in my life have beacons been a topic of such urgency. "Okay, author," I tease, folding my arms, "but I agree. It's okay as long as no one gets harmed. We can't risk whatever unknown defense mechanism will go off."

"Thanks, guys."

"Should we announce this or something?"

We all turn our heads in Radar's direction, not completely sure why he suggested it. Must it affect everyone? Can't we just replace the varied beacon with nine normal ones?

"It only makes sense." Lukas interrupts my thoughts. "What if people work outside Beacontown and use the beacon to find their way back?"

Jesse hesitates for another second, but eventually, she nods in agreement. "Petra, Radar, go round everyone up. Lukas, be my mouthpiece and announce this to the people. I'll figure out how to shut off the beacon."

"I'll shut off the beacon," Radar quickly suggests.

"Radar wha- no! It could be dangerous."

Me and Lukas exchange nervous glances and I see strands of his blond hair swooping to the side probably because of overexertion. So Radar hasn't gotten a promotion yet, I presume, and Jesse is totally a control freak.

"I can do this. Plus, you need to be there with the people to make them understand."


"Over the past few months, you've been taking so much responsibility, overworking yourself until Petra came back, so I just wanna help. I don't want anything taking away from you being with your friends."

"It's hard to decide-"

"I just want you to see that I'd do anything for Beacontown. Please, Jesse."

All this back-and-forth debate has me in an awkward position since I remember always being the one to confront Jesse.

She sighs heavily, turning her head to face the looming stars in the sky and the waning crescent moon. When she averts her attention back to us, she's landed on the final proposed plan.

"Lukas, round up the people with Petra. I'll speak to everyone and Radar-"

"I won't let you down."

"I know."


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