Chapter 3 ~ The Hood

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**The Hood's POV **
Hacker hacked by a hacker

"There's nothing here," I growl, scrolling through the  private software belonging to the Eclipse gang. It's taken 2 weeks for my hacker to hack her way into the security system, and these are the results?! Seriously, these peasants ran the best gang in the city and yet their email was as boring as Emil's YouTube reels. I mean, who watches YouTube reels anyway??!!

I scroll down, opening an email dating three days ago.

Subject: Talking to the local asshole
Dear Cal, whose presence I barely tolerate:
Did u remember to take out the bins and clean the guns bc I didn't and it's yr turn this month.
If A kills u, not my fault, u dug yr own grave.
See u in hell, N.O ;)


Many unanswered  emails continued like this:

Subject: It's Midnight
Fellow person who has improbably managed to live past the age of nine,


Subject: your problem
To whom it may concern, because rest assured that person is not me:
Just got an email summoning our 'fake' parents to the principal's office ABOUT BOTH UR GRADES. And before u complain, Nyx, you are still going to private school but for the love of death I don't care if you are my gang leader, at least try at homework and, Cal, stop using a translator for your Spanish homework Miss Moreno can tell. And both of you, stop experimenting with the latest AI technology in your maths tests bc they've found you both using it with the CCTV. And yes I had to give a 6 figure donation yet again to stop you both from being expelled! Yet again! You've both got more lives than a cat at this rate. And Cal, I know all about the rat incident when you took all the rats out of the science practical room freezer and left them out in Miss Smith's classroom. Guess what: They defrost! Well done - you're now both doing extra training on Friday night and not allowed to attend geography club on Thursday with Miss Dittion. Nyx - report is waiting on your desk about the hounds. - A


"Emil, our intelligence lied. There's nothing here. You said none of them use phones? Well, what the fuck do they use?!"

"I don't know Boss, but I now know our spy was killed in crossfire with the Redhounds. He was with the 3 killed by guns."


"I echo the sentiment, Boss."

I rub my face, "Well, what do we know?"

"Nothing- "

Swiftly the call cuts off and suddenly, all the lights in my room go off, leaving the screen of my computer the only source of light. "What the actual fuck?" I murmur under my breath. Hell, if this is a assassination attempt, this is the most crappiest way to die.

Abruptly, my computer screen changes. I'm no longer looking at an outlook email account page, instead, it all goes black and then a picture of an eclipse fills the screen. Text begins to reveal itself, showing:

Dear Hacker, Well, did u honestly think we were so dumb? A here is seriously offended. So offended that she nearly came to kill you herself. Instead, we've gifted you a gift that will come after this message has dissipated. And rest assured, it's not going to end well for you or your crew. We are honestly disappointed that it took your hacker 2 weeks to hack it, we thought we'd created it so it only took one. And don't get me started on your software! A hp stream - could u get any more low-tec if you tried?! Honestly, Hood, we expected better. So much better. And you didn't even laugh when you read our emails! (They're fake, by the way, apart from the one about school; that one is very real but Me and Cal thought it would be good to use for our little project.) So, the good news: You are no longer on our hit list. Bad news: You are now our N.o 1 priority to kill. So, congrats! We know what you did. So, if you want to live, well, actually, that's not an option, get the hell off my fucking front lawn before I release The MASK on you. They, unlike you, are an actual BADASS. So, you have 2 choices:

a) You get the hell out of the UK (I'd recommend maybe Australia - they have extremely good waves and deadly poisonous spiders) and we don't kill you until next year. Gives you some time to beg forgiveness for your sins.

b) You hand yourself in for the crime of killing fellow sister in arms Primrose Mcray and her family and we leave you alone and you can rot in a cell in England's most secure prison.

Just remember, we RUN London. You cannot hide. You have approx. 7 mins and 47.5 secs to get out of my hotel before the maid comes in - let me just tell you, she's not a maid but one of my crew; she could despatch your scrawny body easily. And for our little gift - your location has been notified by the Police and a computer virus has just hit home and now infected your entire software - including your Swiss bank accounts which have now just been emptied. Your credit score is down to zero. Any accounts linked to this one will be frozen and automatically logged out of and now under my control. So, goodbye sucker!

With thanks and we do do hope you rot in hell,

N.O, C & A

With a beep, the computer shuts down.

"Fuck!" I mutter, slamming my fist on the desk in frustration. Making up my mind, I run over to the nearest window, opening it up and jumping out deadly silent into the night, leaving my possessions in the hote room and only pocketing my phone and wallet. I may be 14 years old, but I am not stupid.
But the last words of the computer echo throughout my mind - " We run London. You cannot hide."
But what scares me the most?
They know. And I vowed to kill anyone who knew.
"Well, Night Owl. Nice little, harmless prank. It seems you have a death wish. I may be your number one priority, but you have just painted a target in your back." With a cold laugh, I disappear into the night life of London without looking back.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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