"Could be-" You cut yourself off with a loud yawn, shaking your head like it would get rid of the feeling, "fun." You finished while shifting in your chair.

"Yes it could be." Connor mumbled with his eyes still fixed on his terminal.

Nines stood up from his chair making you look up at him with a quizzical expression on your face. "Where are you going?" You questioned as yet another yawn escaped, it was starting to annoy you how much you were yawning now. "I am going to go and get you a caffeinated drink, it is the only way you shall make it through todays shift." Nines stated as he moved away from his chair and opened your drawer and pulled out a teabag. "I will be sure to make it strong."

"Life saver." You muttered while Nines's LED flashed yellow, he seemed hesitant to actually leave you behind. "Want me to come with you?"

"No it will only make you more tired, I am sure that the Lieutenant and RK800 can entertain you while I am busy." Nines said before then walking away, his destination being the break room. You had never felt so grateful to have Nines, he was being perfect.

"I always find it weird when he's nice... because he's only nice to you." Hank commented glancing up at Hank you saw him watching as Nines disappeared completely. "I guess he has to be nice to me, I'm his partner. Plus most people here just treat him like the machine he is, they need to treat him more like how they treat Connor." You said while thinking about what Hank had said, was Nines only nice to you?

He'd said nice things to Hank in the past right?

He was definitely nice to Samuel.

"He's also nice to Samuel." You added as Hank shrugged, looking over to Connor you could see that he agreed with Hank.

"I believe he is only nice to you, but then he has to establish a good bond with you. Without you he is nothing, but you have made a friend from it so no one can complain." Connor said, shock overtook your mind as thousands of questions coursed through your mind, the main one being. 'Has someone fiddled with his wires or is he really trying to look past his jealousy?'

"Who the fuck are you? And what have you done to my Son, you know the one who can't stand RK900." Hank said out loud you couldn't help the small laugh that left your mouth, it was nice to know that Hank was as shocked as you with what Connor had said. "Very funny, Hank. But I am serious, it is clear that you two have a very good friendship." Connor commented as he shot a smile your way, clearly he meant it when he said he was going to do everything he could to make you forgive him.

He was starting with his jealousy.

"I should take him to CyberLife to get checked right? Just in case he's broken. I don't want a broken Connor." Hank asked directing the question towards you, looking over at Hank you saw he had a very serious expression on his face, he genuinely was considering that Connor was broken. "I'm sure he's fine, Hank." You laughed as you played with a pen that was sat on your desk.

"Are you experiencing malfunctions, RK800? If you are I would suggest visiting CyberLife." Nines's voice called out as he approached your shared desk, Connor's head whipped around to look at him. "I am not, Hank is just being annoying." Connor replied with a weird expression on his face.

"I do not understand... the Lieutenant said-"

"He was teasing Connor. He wasn't being serious, Nines." You told Nines who made an 'o' shape with his mouth before nodding, he then placed a mug of tea down in front you and sat down into his chair. "I still do not understand fully, but thank you for explaining it to me." Nines thanked, Connor had now gone silent and moved his attention back to his terminal while Hank just smirked over at Connor.

I can't be what you need| RK900 x Reader (female) Where stories live. Discover now