10. No Daughter Of Mine

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Lauren !

"Melissa what the fuck are you doing here?"

"Mama is that anyway to talk to your child." She asked crossing her arms.

I rolled my eyes. "No child of mines."

"Oh wowwwww. You still haven't changed huh?" She said adjusting the little girl in her arms.


"The church looks nice. Hasn't changed a bit. Where's daddy? I'm sure he would love to see his baby girl all grown up." She said.

"You need leave."

"Meet your granddaughter. Amoura she's 4

"Melissa , leave."

She laughed. "No. Why don't you want to talk to me?"

The relationship between Melissa and the family is very complicated things happened that we don't really discuss and we not gonna start discussing it now.

I sighed. "There is nothing to talk about."

"So you still pretending? As a mother you should at least have some common decency for your own daughter." She said.


"Y'all know why I was shut out and so does your brother."

"You leave my brother out of this."

"Why? He's the root of the problem and you know it!"

I slowly walked to her. "Look , little girl. We have put you off well. You have a nice house and a car. I paid for your expenses up for 10 years and all we ask is for you to stay away from this family! You almost tarnished the family's name with your lies and deception."

"I didn't lie mama! What is it your not getting?! No, You don't want me here because y'all don't want to face the truth!" She yelled.


Knocks !

"Mama I found my assista- wtf." Diamond said walking in but stopping in her tracks. "Melissa?"

"She was just leaving." I said looking at her.

Melissa just looked at me defeat. "You'll see."

She grabbed her child and was about to walk out but Diamond stopped her.

"Wait. What are you doing here?"Diamond said as she let go her arm.

She walked out and slammed the door.

"Wtf was that?" She asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said sitting down.


"I said it was nothing."

She crossed her arms. "She has a child?"

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