1. My Father's Daughter

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"Wake up!" Chance said as he poured water all over Blair.

Blair eyes sting from the light so she adjusted them and found herself in not so familiar place.

"Well sleeping beauty as a risen." Chance said smiling sitting in front of her.

"Where am I?" Blair asked trying to get up from the chair but came to realize she was tied down.

"Oh I forgot to tell you . You tied up." He said.

"Mr. Chance why ar-

"Oh cut the bs." He said sitting in front of her.

"Mr. Harris I can assure you I -

"I know who you are." He said.

Blair stared at him in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

"You know when you first came here I knew something was fishy but I couldn't put my finger on it." He said. "

"Is that right? So how about you tell me who I am." Blair said looking at he almost challenging him.

Chance just chuckled and grabbed the folder from off the table. "It was almost as if god himself placed this folder on my desk Ms. Blair Collins, daughter of Veronica Taylor my ex. assistant."

"I don't k-


"You know? You are a bad liar." He said grabbing her face. "Just like your mother. So tell me what brings you here."

Blair looked away but Chance grabbed her face with force.

"I said why are you here!" He said before letting her go.

"To put your ass under the jail." Blair said slowly.

Chance laughed. "Is that right?"

"It's over chance you can't run anymore!" Blair said. "You killed my mother and now everyone will know."

"You know. Your mother was a problem I guess the genes just passed on to you." Chance said sitting in front of her.

Blair just laughed. "I am my mother's daughter."

"Yeah and you finna be dead like her to. I trusted you , let you into my home and this is what you do?" He said pacing.

"Well I'm my father's daughter to." She said.

"Little girl I don't give a damn who your father is."

"Maybe you should look in the mirror."

she said and that made him stop in his tracks. He looked to the battered and beaten woman.

"What?" He said slowly walking to her.

She smirked. "That's right I knew all about the affair and the money you & your wife paid my mom to get rid of me but when you found out she didn't you had her kilt. You knew she could ruin your reputation by exposing the truth. So you had to get rid of her. You just forgot one thing."

"Oh and what's that?" He asked.

"I'm not her!"

And with that she kicked the gun outta his hand as she untied herself from the chair and punched him in the groin.

Chance grabbed her by the ankles pulling her to the ground but she didn't let that stop her. She kicked him in the face with her shoe making him stumble back.

"Come back here bitch!" Chance yelled as stood to his feet.

Taking this as an opportunity, Blair reached for the gun but was automatically taken back by a punch in the face.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she fell to the ground.

She went to get up but was held down by a foot on her back.

Gun clicks

"Your a pig! How could you kill your own daughter?!" She screamed at him.

He just smirked. "You were never a daughter of mine. Just a product of my mistake."

"You are a coward and everyone will know the truth." Blair said looking at him with tears in her eyes.

"Say hello to your mother for me." He said laughing.


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