17. Canada (Again): The Greatest Week

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Note: Follows on from Question/Requests Pt. 1. Also, this one's basically jumbo-sized!

Canada's POV


Goodness! The weather's forecast to go haywire this week! Snow's forecast overnight and isn't due to stop until Saturday. Y'know what that means? School closures! Finally, some quality time with my provinces! I thought. First, though, we needed to go shopping; I couldn't just let us get snowed in without the essentials!

"Hey, kiddos!" I called, forgetting that a decent few of my provinces and territories were considerably older than me, "I'm going shopping! Want to come?"

"Ok!" a few shouted back to me, while a couple of others scrambled down the stairs to meet me. In the end, I was joined by everyone other than Quebec ("Non, c'est ennuyeux!") and Manitoba ("It's too cold!" Oh, the irony...).

All I could think was Thank goodness we have a Land Rover! Somehow, we were all able to fit in, (with a little extra space in the back, too) and I drove us off to Costco to do the vital shopping.[I have no idea if Costco sells food, I just Googled 'Canadian supermarkets' and went with the first result.] Of course, I started with the most important supplies: maple syrup, bread, milk and enough ingredients for a weeks' worth of poutine. I also allowed my little family to buy something they wanted for themselves, as a special treat. They mostly bought the usual stuff, like sweets and books, but Nova Scotia insisted that I buy her a new set of bagpipes. Well, no sleep for me anymore!

We would've gone straight home again, if it weren't for Yukon's genius idea, which of course, I couldn't refuse!

Turning off at the next roundabout, I drove right back to the town centre, straight towards to Tim Horton's!

"Fourteen doughnuts, please!" A cheer erupted from the back seat, much to the amusement of the Drive-Thru attendee.

At last, we headed home, eating out snacks along the way, saving the final two Oreo and Chocolate Cake Doughnuts for Manitoba and Quebec.



As promised, it'd snowed all night! It was beautiful outside, with icicles dripping off of the trees and snow glittering outside the house like we were in the middle of a gorgeous snow-globe.

"Morning, Nada!" Saskatchewan grinned at me, "Can we play together in the snow later?"

"Of course!" I smiled. Secretly, I was hoping someone would ask. "Where'd you want to go?"

"Hmm," Saskatchewan murmured, finally answering, "The park? There's a sandwich shop just across the street from there!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I smiled at him, "I'll dig us out first, though!"

Hours of shovelling later, we were ready to go! Slipping on my wellies, I called Saskatchewan downstairs and the pair of us trudged across the street to the park, arm in arm.

As he'd promised, the sandwich deli was still open despite the weather, so we sat on our jackets by an ancient oak tree, enjoying a cheese toastie each. We also built an igloo, but unfortunately, a moose trampled it a few minutes later.

At last, we headed back to the lovely, warm car and drove home to sit by the fire for a while. Dinner was also very enjoyable (who doesn't love poutine in a blizzard?)! We ate by the fire, seeing as it was so cold, and I just chatted to the fam for a while. Finally, I went to bed early, exhausted by the day's fun.


We were snowed in. Again! It was so bad today that I had to climb into the attic to pull out a ladder to stick out of the upstairs window! It was crazy! Nevertheless, the provinces still seemed fairly excited about the snowfall, but I deemed it far too dangerous for them to play outside today.

All in all, very dull day!


Thankfully, some of that snow melted overnight, meaning we weren't in full lockdown-mode any more! Thank goodness for that, eh?

Today was surprisingly sunny, too! In fact, it was so pleasant out, I invited the provinces to go skiing with me. Sadly, not many of them were awake at six in the morning and the ones that were had their pyjamas on still. Well, except Nunavut, who gratefully accepted my offer.

The pair of us were out for hours, gliding through our Winter wonderland, or else simply messing around, building snowmen in the field! I don't know about him, but I loved every second we spent out there together! Everything was just perfect that day, especially when we realised there was a hot chocolate stall open in the local market! What a great surprise!

To make my day even better, when we returned twelve hours after when we'd first set off, I found that Quebec and New Brunswick had made Maple Baked Beans for us! [Don't know if people actually eat this, I Googled 'popular food in Quebec' and just kind of went with the results.]


By the end of that week, I was understandably fairly tired, but was nevertheless feeling very pleased with life! The provinces let me sleep in too; having grabbed themselves some cornflakes when they awoke, they messed about outside all morning, allowing me to get up at my own pace, which was just as well, seeing as I slept in until 11!

After lunch, when I was finally dressed, I followed the kiddos back out into the garden, where Alberta insisted on herself, Manitoba and Saskatchewan having a snowball fight against everyone else. Of course, we were all up for the challenge, so snowy warfare broke out almost immediately. All of us got absolutely pelted each other in the stuff! Snow was being launched from all directions, until I couldn't even tell who the offenders were! It was chaos!

Nobody was quite sure who won, but we all slept very well after all that running around, chasing each other!

Done! Finally! Hope you enjoyed this; it took a long time to complete fully!


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