12. Switzerland: Chocolate-Flavoured Peace

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Note: [No disclaimer, but the previous ones still apply]

Thank you for 100 views! It's not a lot to most, but it's amazing to me that so many people wanted to read this book!

Anyway, I'll get on with it-

It was quiet in Switzerland's house; it usually was. Chocolate Queen wasn't the most sociable; her little world was silent and beautiful, and she wouldn't have it any other way. At that particular moment, the content country was sat in her rural back garden, staring down at the picturesque mountain view below, smiling to herself as she dropped a stone over the edge of the cliff-face, into a lake at the bottom of the vast, snowy valley. After a minute or so, a splash echoed back up to her, the vibrations of the stone's impact mingling with the gorgeous birdsong-

Beep! Beep!

Was that my phone? I swear if it's EU again-

Second-Best Chocolate

Second-Best Chocolate: Did you seriously give Toblerone to Slovakia!? See this? This is why I'm the superior chocolatier! You can't even keep a decent brand around!

You: Shut up, Belgium, nobody asked your opinion. Besides, your chocolate is poor at best.

Letting out an irritated sigh, Switzerland put her phone on silent. How was is Belgium's business what she did with her brands? At least her chocolate tasted better than dog poo! [Bit harsh, innit?!] Oh dear, she was craving chocolate again after that. Annoyed with her own weakness, the chocolatier-ing royalty marched back into her house, raided her vast store-cupboards and eventually returned to her peaceful spot outside, armed with a small feast of confectionaries.

Munching on her delightful snacks, Switzerland reminded herself of her desserts' superiority to Belgium's, also thinking to text her sister (Liechtenstein) to ask when she'd be home from the corner shop (How long does it take to get milk?!)

With that, Schweitz returned to her chocolatey peace once more.

Ok, there isn't really a plot here...

Oh well.


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