Chapter 21

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I woke up alone in a hotel room. I sat up in bed, confused. Had I been dreaming everything?

The door opens, and Michael walks in, "There's my sleeping beauty," Michael says, gently kissing my forehead.

"What time is it?"

"Almost Noon, I let you sleep. You seemed pretty out of it this morning, "

I looked at him confused, "I had the weirdest dreams last night,"

"What about?"

"Brandon abducting me,"

"He's still in jail from the mall incident a few weeks ago,"


Michael looks at me confused, "Are you sure you're okay?"

"It feels like I had 6 months worth of dreams in one night,"

"None of it ever happened baby girl, you're safe. I promise,"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course love,"

"Have we had sex yet?"

"You don't remember?"

"I'm trying to figure out what was a dream and what's real. It started with us having sex, and then I got abducted by him shortly after, "

"None of that happened Lex" Michael says, sounding frustrated

"I'm sorry Michael,"

"Don't be Lex, I can tell you're scared,"

"Can we lay in bed and cuddle?"

"After lunch we can,"

"I'm not really hungry, my head hurts,"

"Is it from that bump you took last night?"

I nod, "I hit the ladder pretty hard,"

"I'm wondering if that bump somehow caused the traumatic dream,"

"Do you think that's possible? " anything is possible I guess, I'm just glad you're okay.

"You never answered my question though, "

"No we haven't had sex yet, but it's good to know you're dreaming about me," he teases

"I guess I need to find out if the real thing is as good as the dream,"

"Oh it will be baby girl,  I promise, "

"What are you going to eat for lunch?"

"Probably Chipotle, why?  Do you want anything?"

I shake my head, "I hate Chipotle,"

"I'll get you whatever you want baby girl,"

"Surprise me, you know what I like,"

He smiles, "sounds good to me,"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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