Chapter 17

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Michael and I had been living together for a month when I had my first ultrasound, I was now 11 weeks. I not only knew who the father was, but also the gender of the baby.

Michael was still  asleep beside me, but I couldn't wait for him to wake up so I could tell him the news that we had both been dying to hear.

I slowly got out of bed went downstairs to make myself a bowl of cereal. I was craving Cinnamon toast crunch. I had just poured myself a bowl when two strong arms wrapped around my waist.

"Good morning beautiful,"

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, I had an alarm set for 8:30, I'm going to the gym to work out,"

"Before you go, we need to talk,"

"Oh no, what did I do,"

"Nothing love, but I have the paternity results and the gender of the baby,"

"I'm not the father, am I?" He asks, sounding crushed

I look down at my growing bump, Michael, you're the father to our little girl,"

"Really? I am?"

I nod, "She's going to love her daddy as much as I do,"

He gently kisses me, "I can't believe we're having a girl,"

"I knew it was a girl,"

"Oh really?"

I nod, "I was hoping you'd be excited, I know how bad you wanted a boy,"

"We'll try again in a few years,"

I smile, "I've been thinking about that, I think I'm ready to have sex again, I'm about 90% healed,"

"That's up to you love,"

I gently kiss his cheek, "You know, I wouldn't mind being bent over the counter right now,"

He shakes his head, "not right now love, I've got to get going to the gym,"

I look down, "Sorry, I know that I'm ugly now that I have more scars and that I'm pregnant,"

"That's not true love, you're hotter now than you've ever been, but I know if I take you now, I won't go workout, and I've got to keep up my physique,"

I roll my eyes, "all you care about is working out," I stomped off and listened as he left the house.

I woke up when he came back, carrying a bouquet of flowers, and my favorite candy with him.

"I know you're mad at me, but I thought this might help you feel a little better,"

"Are you sure you're still attracted to me?"

He nods," its not that babe, I'm still very attracted to you, I just don't want to push you past what you're ready for,"

"I'm practically throwing myself at You  Michael,"

"I know, but I'm still afraid to hurt you,"

"Please? We can go slow, I just need you. Nothing feels as good as your touch,"

Michael made me feel like I was on cloud 9, kissing, licking and sucking every inch of exposed skin. I hadn't felt like that in months. He laid beside me, completely out of breath, with his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Was that better than your hand?" I tease

He Laughs "Much better, "

"I agree, nothing feels as good as your touch,"

HelplessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora