Chapter 18

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Michael and I laid in bed, he was fast asleep beside me, but once again, I couldn't sleep. My body was sore from growing another human. I was only 16 weeks, but it was very noticeable, especially on my tiny frame. Being 5'1 and barely over 100 pounds, l couldn't hide my bump anymore.

Michael protectively held onto me. Since I told him that baby girl was his, he had been more protective over me. I could barely convince him to let me go to the bathroom alone, let alone do anything else.

I tried to slowly get out of bed, but Michael wrapped his arm tighter around my waist "stay" he mumbles

"Babe, let me up, I want to take a bath,"

"Sleep now, bath later," he mumbles

I try with everything in me to get up, but his grip is too tight "babe, please? My body hurts and trying to get out of your grasp isn't helping,"

He mumbles something grumpily and rolls over, not seeming to care I mentioned being in pain.

I got up and walked downstairs to the second bathroom, I didn't. want to disturb him, I sat in the water, the warmth of it somewhat relaxing my sore muscles.

After what seemed like forever in the tub, I got out, carefully dried off, and laid down in the couch. Sleep was finally taking over my body.

"Lex, wake up,"

I slowly sat up and noticed it was still dark outside, Michael stood over me looking terrified.

"Why are you sleeping here?"

"Sorry, I crashed here after my bath, the tiredness took over and I wasn't going to make it to bed,"

He carries me to bed, once again protectively wrapping his arm around me

"I thought something happened to you,"

"No, I'm fine Michael, I promise,"

"You're never allowed to leave my sight again,"

I laugh, "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to scare you. You know I'm not going anywhere right?"

"I know, I just hate waking up without you right beside me,"

I snuggle into his arms, "I'll nap next to you now, how does that sound?"

"Now you want to sleep, its time for me to get up and go workout,"

"I thought I couldn't leave your sight," I tease

He gently wraps his hand around my throat, "Be a good little girl and don't backtalk daddy, he might just make it worth it later if you can behave,"

He hadn't gone this far since the first night we had sex. My heart raced as I moved his hand from around my throat.

"I'm sorry love, did I hurt you?" He asks

I shake my head, "I'm just tired love,"

"Take a nap love, I'll go to the gym while you're asleep,"

He got up and walked to the bathroom to get ready, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

HelplessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon