Chapter 20

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"How are you feeling?" Michael asks

I had been out of the hospital for a week now, and my recovery has been rough. Physically I was in pain, but nothing compared to the emotional trauma I had endured.  While I recovered, I was staying with Michael in Cleveland.

"I'm okay, it'll take a while for my broken bones to heal,"

"How are you feeling emotionally?"


Michael pulls me into his lap and snuggles with me. "It's all gonna be okay baby girl, he's going to be locked up forever. I know that I can never fix what he's done to you, but I'm going to do everything in my power to show you that you'll never have to endure that again. I'm going to take care of you,"

I gently kiss his lips, "I know you will Michael, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with all of this. You've been nothing but amazing to me since our first date,"

He smiles, "Speaking of which, I want to take you on a date tomorrow, we've only been on one official date in 6 months of being together,"

"What did you have planned Michael?"

"Nothing fancy, just dinner and I'll take you to see the new Minion movie afterwards,"


He nods, "Of course love, I finally get to spoil my girl again. I hated seeing you in the hospital. All I wanted was to lay next to you and cuddle, but it was hard to because of the wires,"

"I'm just glad I can eat edible food again,"

He laughs, "I wouldn't call my cooking edible,"

"You're an amazing cook, Michael,"

"I try, but I'm not a chef,"

"When I got out of the hospital, i weighed 95 pounds, thanks to your cooking, I've managed to gain a little weight back,"

"Speaking of which, are you hungry?"

I nod, "Can you make me a peanut butter sandwich?"

He smiles, "of course baby girl, anything else you want?"

"Either grapes or strawberries, which ever we have in the fridge,"

Michael comes back with my lunch a few minutes later, which i quickly eat. He has been my saving Grace over the last week. I don't know what I'd  do without him.

"Ready for a nap? You look tired,"

I nod, "will you lay with me Michael?"

"Of course baby,"

He carries me to the bed and gently lays me down. When he lays down beside me, I lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as I slowly fall asleep

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