Chapter 4

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Months had passed since the mall incident. Brandon was locked up for the next few months. I finally started to feel normal again.

My physical bruises and scars had healed, but I still had nightmares about the 8 months I dated him.

I was constantly looking over my shoulder, making sure that he wasn't there.

As time went on, my girl friends would try to get me to hook up with different wrestlers, but I knew I wasn't ready to date yet.

"Come on Lex, you should put your self back out there," Allie persists

"Guys, im not ready to date yet, and it's not like anyone here wants to date me anyway,"

"That's not true, I know there's a guy whose very interested in you," Jamie says

"You're just saying that to get a reaction out of me,"

"No I'm not, you should see the way he looks at you,"

"Jamie's right, Lex. Michael looks at you like Adam does me," Britt adds

"There's no way he would ever like me,"

"So you do like him!"

"I didn't say that"

"That smile on your face says it all,"

"I mean he's cute, but I don't know him well enough. Look at what happened the last time i thought someone was cute,"

"He's not cute, girl you were dating a troll," Julia laughs

"Can we drop it? I'm not trying to get into a relationship right now,"

"Fine," they agreed

I walked to catering to get a snack before my match tonight. I fixed a small plate before sitting down at one of the tables. I mindlessly scrolled through my phone until I heard someone speak

"Hey Lexi, mind if I sit with you?"

I looked up from my phone and saw Michael Wardlow, the same guy that now 5 minutes ago the girls were attempting to set me up with.

"I don't mind,"

He smiles, and sits down next to me. My heart started racing. I could feel Myself starting to get anxious. There was no way that I was falling for him. I couldn't

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