Chapter 2

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A few weeks had gone by since Britt had seen my bruises. I tried to get better at hiding them, I didn't need anyone to know what was really happening. Tonight was another episode of dynamite, and tonight I would be in a tag match against Britt and Jamie. My partner tonight is one of my best friends, Julia Hart.

I knew I had a meeting that I had to attend before dynamite began tonight. I dropped my bag off in the the locker room before going to the EVP office.

"Hey Lexi, come on in," Matt says

Kenny, Nick, Matt, Adam, Julia, Britt, and Jamie were all sitting around the table.

"We just want to check on you, the girls have told us that you've had some bruises that are in unusual places," Nick Says

"I'm fine, I'm just clumsy,"

"Lex, please tell us the truth, I'm worried about you, I know something isn't right," Britt says, tears in her eyes

"I.. I can't tell you,"

"Lex, you can tell us anything, this is a safe space. Nothing leaves this room," Matt says

"He's going to hurt me even more if he finds out we're having this conversation,"

"Whose going to hurt you?" Kenny asks

"My boyfriend," I mumble

Britt hugs me tightly, "He will never hurt you again,"

"I have no choice but to deal with it, I have no money. He controls my bank account, uses my money for drugs and alcohol. That's why I never got out with you guys,"

"Come stay with me in Atlanta, I have a two bedroom apartment," Julia offers

"I don't want to intrude, my situation isn't your problem,"

"Lex, it is our problem, everyone in this room loves you, and we want you to be safe. Going back to the situation you're in isn't safe. Who knows what he could do next. I don't want to get a call that you're in the hospital or worse," Britt sobs

"She's right Lexi," Matt says gently

"Please come stay with me?" Julia begs

"What if he finds me?"

"If he shows up at one of the shows, you let us handle him," Nick says

"And if he shows up at my apartment, Lee will kill him," Julia adds

"I don't know, I don't want to get you guys involved in this,"

"Its too late for that Lexi, Britt has been worried about you for weeks," Adam says

"I still don't have any money, what am I supposed to do about basically necessities?"

"Don't worry about that, we'll take care of it, all you need to do is open up a new bank account, then he won't have any control over you," Kenny says

"He still has my phone number, and can track my location,"

"No he won't,you'll have a new phone and a new number, he will have no idea where you are," Matt says

For the first time in months I broke down crying, everything is falling into place so maybe I could escape this living nightmare.

Julia and Britt hug me tightly, for the first time in months I felt somewhat protected.

"I'm scared,"

"Don't be, we're here to protect you," Adam says

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