🎤Hatsune Miku x Male Reader🎤

Start from the beginning

TV: Hatsune Miku is set to perform a suprise concert at Downtown's Hyman Memorial Stadium. Tickets are already selling out fast, though Miku has yet to set a definitive date for the show. When approached, Miku's bodyguard Y/N L/N told VNN, "Miku won't set a date just yet. Her work is a labor of love and you can't hurry love." He says this while holding Miku lovingly in his arms. Could he be having an affair with her? Stay tuned for more....

Y/N felt his face beoming hot. He didn't think the news reporters would show him holding Miku. And now everyone would think they're dating. While he wasn't opposed to the idea of dating her, Miku wouldn't want to. To her you were probably just a friend...

Miku woke up an hour later. She walked into you making her dinner. She walks over to you and watches you make dinner. 

Miku: Hey Y/N, what are you making?

Y/N: A nice steak.

Miku: You sure do know my favorite food.

She reaches up and pats you on the head as a thank you.

Y/N: Aww your welcome.

You then set dinner up and the two of you eat, exchanging thoughts about what will happen on the day of her concert. The rest of the day was just hanging with her. Thankfully while watching TV the news report about you holding her didn't broadcast while watching some TV together. When night came, she wanted some coffee and you made it just the way she likes it. You give it to her along with a concha to eat.

Miku: Yum! Thanks Y/N, you're the best!

You grab some coffee for yourself and sit on the couch with her, a blanket on top of you two. Cuddling Miku was something you wouldn't want to give to someone else. She was getting sleepy once more but before she slept a sentence that made your heart flutter came out of her mouth.

Miku: *yawns* You make good husband material Y/N.........


The Hyman Memorial Stadium was packed with people attending Miku's concert. Backstage, Miku was preparing herself, and asking you for support.

MIku: How does my hair look Y/N?

Y/N: It looks amazing like always Y/N!

She smiles and gives you a hug!

Miku: Thanks Y/N! Well it looks like I'm needed on stage now, wish me luck!

She blows you a kiss and heads off. This made you smile. 

Y/N: I wonder why she'd do that. I guess it's time to keep an eye on her. 

You walked through the backstage but something else caught your attention. A light blue diary. The same one she was writing in on the plane. You looked around and decided to read it. You opened it and began reading her entries. Most of it was about her day and such, but the later entries centered on you! Entries calling you cute, how good you look, and her huge crush on you. In one the entries, she wishes to have a child with you.

Y/N: Woah, well maybe she does like me...I'll ask her later and go out to check up on her.

Y/N then heads to the front of the stage but to the side, where the Miku walks onto the stage, gretting the audience. The crowd goes wild once she starts singing. 

While she's performing, you suddenly spot someone on the light rig, right above Miku. The person seemed to be cutting the wires to crush her. You quietly ran to the side and climbed the ladder. You got to the top and located the perp across the light rig. You ran over and knocked him out. It was a K-Pop stan...uh oh. That means there are more of them...You then looked and saw some of them trying to cut the cables.

K-Pop Stan 1: This music sucks!

K-Pop Stan 2: K-Pop is better music!

You then rushed over to fend them off. All the while Miku was performing below you, not knowing her life was in danger. You took care them, but more of them kept coming.  Eventually there were a lot of them trying to cut the cables.

K-Pop Stan 3: That bitch while die singing!

K-Pop Stan 4: She's gonna die in front of everyone!

K-Pop Stan 5: Where's her bodyguard now!

That just gave you more motivation to stop them. You beat them all unconsience, while looking down, making sure Miku was okay. While looking down, you saw one of them with a silenced 9mm, aiming it at her head.

K-Pop Stan 6: Goodbye Hatsune Miku!

With quick thinking you head for the ladder and slide down. You landed hard on your feet but ran to the intruder. You ran up her and punched her, knocking her unconscience and taking the gun out of her hand.

Y/N: Whew! That was a good workout!

You reported the intruders to security. They drag them all of there and report them to police. This all happened while Miku was singing her heart out. You watched the rest of the concert, making sure she was safe. The end of her singing came, with everyone cherring for more.

Miku: Thank you for coming everyone! Now before I go I want to answer everyone's question on why I decided to perform here in Vice City, the city of love. Today I'm confessing my love to someone here, live on stage in front of everyone.

Everyone in the crowd then chanted and hoped she was going to pick someone in the audience.

Miku: Y/N! Come over here!

You turned to you and saw her hold her hand out. You looked around and saw the crowd cheering on for you.

Crowd: Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!

You walked across the stage and towards Miku, where she held one of your hands. 

Miku: Y/N, I've decided to perform here for you. All these songs where dedicated to you my love! I appreciate you always sticking with me and protecting me. Y/N will you be my boyfriend?

Everyone in the stadium went wild, encouraging you to say yes.

Y/N thought for a moment. He wondered why Miku would want to be with him of all people. However you did like her back. It was now or never..

Instead of responding you kiss her upfront, everyone cheering for the two of you. You felt really happy to now be dating Miku! She gave in seconds after yourr lips met hers. She then places a kiss on your neck. 

Miku: I love you Y/N..

Y/N: I love you too Miku..

After the concert you returned to the hotel with Miku, making out with her in the limo during the drive there. Months of you two happily dating passed, and during those months Miku gave birth to a child. You granted Miku's wish, finally forming a happy family together..

                                                                         THE END

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