"i don't think so, y/n."

as his turn rolled around, he played a single card and you smiled in early triumph.

playing all of your cards once it was your turn, you grinned and looked at his surprised features.

"what were you saying Kenny? that, that you wouldn't lose? hm, i think you just lied."

he stared at you in disbelief, as the other boys laughed and congratulated you.

Draken smiled, admitting defeat and gave you the satisfaction of winning.


after a few more hours of playing games with your friends, they quickly grew tired as you won every round with ease.

"i'm just too good," you smirked, and the boys groaned.

"it's not even that you're good, it's like, magic or something." Mikey said, causing you to laugh.

but you were also becoming tired of playing games, so you all cleaned them up and sat around on the floor.

Mitsuya was on his phone, Baji and Draken talking about motorcycles while Mikey corrected them, being called a 'smart ass' many times.

you laid back on the ground, closing your eyes and listening to their bickering, a small smile on your face as their voices made you worries melt away.

focusing on Drakens voice, his deep tone sounded like music and you relished in the sound.

sitting up quickly, you realized it was not normal to be that infatuated with your friends' voice.

you ran through your racing thoughts, beginning to suspect something as a pattern was showing.

remembering all the times Draken made your heart beat faster, and made butterflies live in your stomach, and how you felt a deeper connection to him than any of your other friends, you came to the only conclusion you could think of.

'i.. like Draken..' thinking those words for the first time, a small blush littered your cheeks as you internally panicked.

"y/n, are you alright? your face is pretty red," Mitsuya asked, and you sweat dropped from the question.

"u-uh, yeah, i just.. need to do something. i'll be right back." they all nodded slowly, watching as you rushed out of the room, before returning to their conversation.

you ran to your own room, pulling out your phone and callin Aiyo, Kioshis girlfriend.

the two of you had gotten closer since the few times you saw each other in person, and she was now one of your closest girl friends.

the dial tone rang a few times, before her soft voice sounded from the other line.


"hey, Aiyo."

"what's up?"

"i.. have a very important question."

"alright, what is it?"

your heart raced, unsure of how to ask her. ultimately you panicked, and just blurted it out quickly.

"what do i do if i think i have a crush on one of my best friends?"

the line went silent, and you fidgeted nervously.

then, a small squeal was heard and you had to take the phone away from your ear as to not burst your ear drum.

"oh my god, who is it?!"

"no no, i don't even know if i like him. this is very new. i need your help!" your tone was desperate, and she giggled.

"okay, tell me who it is first."

you sighed, giving in and telling her.


"wait really? i mean, i guess i can see that he's cute. but, really?"

"yes really!" you snapped, and you could almost see Aiyo rolling her eyes at you.

"okay, okay, jeez. so why do you 'think' you like him?"

"i always get butterflies when he does small things, or like we'll jokingly flirt sometimes and i guess i wish i knew he wasn't joking."

"yeah, you definitely like him. that's a sure thing, y/n."

"you know, as i'm explaining it out loud the more i believe it," you laughed, and she joined soon after.

"so are you gonna ask him out?"

"what?! of course not! he doesn't even like me back!"

"i'd say he does, when you introduced him to us he was, like, super protective and anyone could tell he likes you."

you smiled, but quickly wiped it off your face, refusing to get your hopes up.

"so what do i do? do i just wait?"

"it's your call, y/n." just do whatever you think is right,"

"alright, thank you Aiyo."


after that, you said your goodbyes and hung up the phone, sitting on your bed and staring at your hands.

'what the hell do i do now?' you wondered, at a loss.

you smiled softly, coming to terms with having a crush on Draken.

it was hard to tell at first; as the only romantic relationships you had before this was creepy guys forcing themselves on you.

they all moved far too fast for your liking, and it wasn't an innocent romance; it was greedy and manipulative.

you frowned, think of Hanma as he would always be the first person you kissed.

you would never get that back. but, realizing that you liked Draken brought a sense of peace over you, as you trusted him and for the moment at least, it was just a very close friendship.

sighing and rising from the bed, you once again joined the boys in the other room and conversation flowed as usual.

it was somewhat awkward between you and Draken; he wondered if he did anything wrong, but you were just too scared to talk to him after your eye-opening realization.

although it was awkward, you still enjoyed their company and having your other friends there made it easier to speak freely.

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