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"Wait Sam before you leave" Chad held his hand up, "everyone high-five!", he held his hand out in front of everyone but they shook their heads.

"Get that away from me" Tara laughed.

"No way" Blake moved over to Tara,

"Sam, Mindy don't leave me hanging please" he begged, everyone just laughed.

"Woah, hey guys" Anika turned the volume up on the tv as the five in the kitchen walked into the living room.

"the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter" the news report claimed, "always seen here attacking a woman on the streets"

The tv now showed the video of her pushing the lady from the night of the party, "from the incident of last year, Carpenter is also responsible for those killings"

Sam rushed to turn the tv off, she walked away and into the dining room as she sat down, Tara following her.

Tara sat down next to her sister, she rubbed her arm as she waited for her to talk.

"I know your not a fan of the way I've been Handling things, and that I've been giving you a hard time" Tara spoke up, Sam shook her head trying to keep her tears in.

"I can say that, none of us can relate to what you are experiencing" Sam looked over at her, "and I'm really, really sorry you have to do that alone."

"It's not your fault" Sam sighed, "and I know I shouldn't care about what people think, its just... Sucks being this hated" Sam said wiping her tears off her cheeks.

"Hey, hey, just a remainder, not a single person in this room hates you" Chad said walking in the with two girls behind him, they sat down at the table with them.

"Ok? We have all been though some fucked up stuff, and we are dealing with it differently. I mean we moved in here together for one specific reason, where a team" Chad Smiled, Sam smiled back.

"We are, the Alive fucking 5" Mindy Said,
"Thank you very much" Chad joked Dabing his super up.

"Ahh, I hate thattt" Mindy wined.

"You just said it" Blake covered her mouth with her hand, the others laughed.

"Say it" Mindy said to Blake,
"No I'm not gonna say it, not now" she smiled, "I mean yes where a team but like.."

"I've been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall," Sam said randomly, everyone went silent for a second.

"I knew it!"
"It was obvious"
"He's lucky"
"Damnnnn", the four agreed with each others statements .

"Knew from the day you git that Hickey" Blake laughed and everyone joined in.

After they all started to talk about boys and girls Blake just realized Ethan wasn't here, she told him he should stay since she didn't want him to get hurt, or ever worst, killed.

"Wait, talking about boys... Have you guys seen Ethan?" Blake asked them, they all smirked at each other and looked back at her.

"I don't know, I thought you would have your eye on him since you always do!" Mindy joked, Blake smiled and shook her head.

"I don't always have my eye on him, what you talking about" she replied sarcastically.

"Oh really? We all have seen you guys hanging out by yourselves" Tara said.

"Yeah as friends... Wait! You think I slept with him?" Blake asked completely flabbergasted.

"Yes!" Chad said.

Dirty lies // Ethan Landry scream 6Where stories live. Discover now