"She is your mate, and we weren't aware of that all this time! Now we have run out of time! We are losing! Her powers are reawakening, and soon she will wreak havoc on us! We will go into extinction! No!!" I heard the demon behind me cry out in panic before dashing away like the wind.

"She is my mate?" I muttered, shivering in fear at what she might do to me for hurting her. I had hurt a girl who has this kind of power like the moon goddess, even when the same goddess had mated her to me as a gift.

"I made you kill them all because they aren't the ones for you. The demons made those fake lycans mates to disrupt my plans and tear you both apart, so I cursed you to slay them. Ella should be yours and yours forever. Ella is like a daughter to me, and you infuriate me by hurting her!"

My blood ran cold as I froze upon hearing these words from Ella. Her tone was soft but mysteriously dangerous. It strikes the heart like thunder, and each word makes one tremble as if they were about to die.

Ella's lips were moving, but the voice wasn't hers. I heard the voice of the moon goddess and couldn't withstand it anymore as my legs gave way under me, bringing me down to my knees as I bowed.

I was forced back to my normal human nature in total submission to her. My head buried to the ground, I felt the ground under me rumbling like an earthquake was about to occur.

"Please, I was a fool and was tricked. I...I..." I began to plead, but my voice faded, and I couldn't make any sound again. The powers around me took my voice as I struggled to talk, tears dropping from my eyes.

"You heard from that demon. Ella is your mate, and if she had died, you would be the first to perish, before every member of your family and the entire Lycan race. I might save the werewolf, but it will be the end of the Lycans. You are very lucky to follow your inner wolf's advice and follow Ella to this place." I heard those voices again, and my bones and body system seemed like they were crushed under the intimidating sound of every word that came out of her mouth.

I was mouthing more pleas since my voice was gone.

"Sorry, I seized your voice because she can't bear it. Her love for you is just too much; your tears make her hate me now. She wants me to stop you from begging for mercy because she doesn't blame you a bit. She just wants you to realize your mistake, stop being stupid, and treat her better. She has suffered enough. Show her the love she deserves because she is the one to help you stop the looming disastrous war of the demons!"

Those were the last statements I heard before it became so silent that not even the sound of nature could be heard. The environment became dead silent, and everything began to fade away slowly, like a vision.

Just as I tried looking up to see if Ella was still standing there in her god form, I was hit by an unseen force, and I passed out instantly.

My eyes opened once again, and I found myself in my house, lying on my bed with a headache and heavy eyes like one who had been in sleep for a very long time.

"A dream?!" I exclaimed, sitting up hastily, and I instantly regretted it because my head ached so painfully as if my skull were cracked open. I felt that sharp headache as if something hard had hit my head, and it was then that I realized it wasn't a dream. I remember I was hit by something before I passed out.

Then how did I wake up in my house, on my bed? Who brought me here? And if all that were true, then Ella isn't a mere wolf! She isn't a weakling but someone who was like a daughter to a powerful god like the moon goddess, yet the werewolves that should treat her like a queen made her life horrible.

She was the one from the moon goddess who will save both the Lycans and the Wolf from the destruction planned by the demons, but her life has been full of hate and maltreatment from everyone around her, including me!

I fucking broke her heart and allowed myself to be tricked by that bitch called Selene! Fuck it.

All this time, it was Selene who used the love charm on me and not Ella. She wasn't the one who revoked my curse, but Ella. The letter said my mate would help me destroy the demons, and that was Ella. The extraordinary and supreme hybrid powers I had when I faced that demon were sucked out of Ella, which means she had the key to my powers.


What then happened after?

Where is Ella?!

We need to talk!

I jumped out of bed and grabbed a shirt because I was already wearing a trouser, but as I was about to walk out the door, I noticed the time was midnight.


I cursed and returned to my bed. The bright light in my room didn't make me realize how late it was. My phone beeped, and I picked it up quickly. The first place my eyes went was the date, and I was stunned to see it was two days since I fought with those demons—two days since I had been unconscious.

"07th, February...." I mumbled in disbelief, wondering if my phone was playing a prank on me. I unlocked it, and there were tons of messages and missed calls from the school proprietor, and my parents, including some unsaved numbers.

I slept for two days?

What the hell! What is wrong?

Aggh! Am I still dreaming?

I growled, laid back on the bed, and shut my eyes, sweating in the fully air conditioned room, waiting for tomorrow when I would rush to school. My heart was racing, as the only person in my mind was Ella. She was the only one who could explain everything to me.

The Cursed LycanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora