"Oh Tommy, it's so good to see you. I'm sorry that I feel out of touch. I got busy and I meant to call but..." My crazy ex boyfriend told me that he'd kill himself amongst other things if I tried to talk to you, or any boy for that matter, claiming to be jealousy when he really was just an abusive prick who would have raped me if he could get away with it. But those words died before they could reach your lips.

"No it's ok I totally understand. It's just been so long since I've last seen you and the fact you're so far east from Illinois just for us to end up meeting again is crazy. What are you doing here anyway?" You put on your best fake smile to hide the growing nausea in your stomach.

"I live here now actually. I moved here for work and I'm staying with some friends."

"I thought you had a boyfriend." You can feel your stomach start to eat itself, but you keep your smile on.

"Oh, we broke up a while ago. But I've missed you so much. What are you doing here?"

"Well I moved here to be closer to my family. My parents moved to Illiois from here when I was really little then I decided to go to college here and stay here. But I'm just glad to have seen you again."

"Me too Tommy. How about I give you my number. Although I'm getting a new one soon. But I'll let you know when I change it ok?"

"Yeah that sounds great." The two of you exchange numbers and head off separate ways. You finish up shopping and when you leave the store, to your horror the man who was catcalling you is waiting outside, "Hey babe. Why are you ignoring me huh?"

"I'm not interested. I actually already have a boyfriend." You hope telling him this will get him to back off. You know you really aren't dating anyone but hopefully the threat of another man will get him off your back. But as you walk away you hear footsteps following you.

"Come on honey I know you wanna have some fun with me. You're just asking for a good time."

"Leave me the fuck alone." You say sternly. The man seems to flash with some sort of emotion before grabbing your throat and pushing you back into an alleyway. He's holding your throat so tight that you're unable to make any noise more than a choked cry, black spots also dotting your vision.

"You're playing real hard to get honey. I know you really want it, baby." The man starts to unzip your coat. Just as you're starting to go limp from a lack of air his hand is lifted and he falls to the ground. You fall to your knees yourself and start to pant for air desperately. Tears roll down your cheeks as you look up, expecting to find Will or Tommy. But you're greeted with the deathly white mask of the Ghostface killer. You quickly stand up as you look over the now dead body of the cat caller. Looking back at ghostface you see his mask dotted with blood as he wipes off his knife.

You can't say anything before running off. You don't stop running until you reach the car, panting hard.

"What's wrong?" Will asks sitting up.

"Drive, now."

"I need to know-"

"Just fucking drive!" You borderline shout at him. Will starts the car and pulls away. You two are silent for half of the drive. He only starts talking once you reach the woods around the house again.

"What happened back there?"

"There was a guy catcalling me, and another guy got into a fight with him. That's all."

"Well if that guy was catcalling you I should have done something about it."

"Will it's fine. Just drive. It's over now."

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