"I loathe you, Hamburger," Ron shouted. "Why don't you get your ears checked to get a new pair of hearing aids, eh?"

"Shut up, Ron," I told him off. Ginny's *light* smacks started again. Oh, I know she wants to kiss me instead!

"Hotdog, don't look here!"

"I'm half blind, Gin. I can't even distinguish between you and Ron now that you both have short hair!" It was true. Ginny had chopped her hair off after the war and now I was left to wonder where my dear glasses are.

"Ah-ha!" I exclaimed when my skin finally found contact with the cool gunmetal of my round glasses. I put them on instantly, blinking in relief.

"He-eh!" Ron laughed.

"Oh-Mo!" Ginny tried.

"Oh, not again!"

"Yes, that's again!"


I am going to reunite George with his Twin for this reason.


Hermione was in for a ride when she returned home. That I knew when I saw her expression after I had opened the door which was, in less than a minute, shut on her face by a dazed Ron. She had had no idea about the entire candy fiasco.

"Ronald! Open the door this instant!" she shrieked from the other side. I would opened the door if it weren't for Ginny on my back, trying to strangle me.

"Yes, My Knee!" Ron responded before he slumped down beside us with something in his hand. I couldn't make out what it was, what with my hair falling to my eyes and my glasses hopelessly trying not to slide off my nose.

"Harry Potter! You open the door this instant!"

"I'm help - helpless, Hermione!" I shouted back. "Ouch, Ginny!"

"I'm hopeless, My Knee!" Ron mimicked, jumping up and down like a newly born dragon.

"I'm hopeful, Her Knee!" Ginny stated, jumping up and down like another newly born dragon on my back.

"Ow, ouch! Ow!"

"Ohh! We are playing a game of animal mimicry!" Ginny declared, thinking my yelps of pain to be that of a barking mad mongrel. "Mi! Mi! Meow mi!"

"Koo-kra-ko-ko!" Ron put in, starting to hit me with another innocent newspaper or was it a plate?

"Ginny!" Hermione screamed.

"Are you a ruddy - ouch Ron - witch or not?!" I shouted back.


"Blimey! Sandwich!"

Ginny and Ron continued their trouble making.

The door flew open and Hermione stepped in, agitated and furious. Ron smacked me with something much harder. Who knew that being sat on by the love of your life and hit by your best mate would be last thing you would ever see?

I passed out.



aint whispers made their way to my ears as I lay in deadly faint in the wizard's heaven.

"Oh no no no, what did I do!"

"Blimey, George! Throw that ruddy candy out!"

"Not my fault that you ate it, dear brother."

"This is definitely not the time to state profanities, Ronald! Look at the state you both landed him in!"

"I can see the headlines flashing: 'The-Vanquisher-of-No-Nose dies in the hands of Best Friend and jumps of Girlfriend.' Am I right, Granger?"

"Shut it, George. Harry's going to be okay."

"You are right, Dear Brother. All you have to do is give him the enchanted kiss of True Love which brought even the Sleeping Beauty, Amora out of her slumber!"


"That's Aurora!"

"Shut it, Granger. Ron, go ahead and do what I suggested."

"NO!" I shot up, my eyes opening in a jolt. Relieved cries of my friends rang in my ears. I was toppled back into the cushion by Ginny's bear hug. Soon enough, my cheeks were red where Ginny had brushed her lips against.

"I'm so sorry, Hotdog!"

"You mean the effect of the candy did not wear off?" I asked wearily, trepidation etched in my voice. Hermione shook her head sadly and I got my answer. Clutching my head, I buried my face into the pillows. "I'm dead. I'm not alive. I'm as dead as a Hotdead - I mean, Hotdog. Get lost, George Weasley."

Thank you for reading!

Miyoko x

Miyoko x

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