Chapter 7 part 2

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Whisper woke to something poking her shoulder. She groaned and sat up. Her eyes opened and then widened.

"Fear!? What are you doing?!" She brought her blanket up over her, she only had on a nightgown.

He stared at her for a minute.

"Came to make sure your not dead." He answered nonchalantly. Whispers cheeks turned a faint tint of pink.

"Why are you in my tent?" She mumbled.

"Needed to see for myself." Whisper rolled her eyes at him.

"Is that all?" She asked clearly annoyed.

"No, I wanted to ask you about some stuff."

"Like what?"

"Like, well, i don't know, maybe; why are you with Death?! Leader of the Horsemen Death!" Whisper smirked.

"He's my father. Haven't you noticed how much I resemble him?" Whisper said.

Fear stared at her for a long, long time.

"You do have his hair and skin. You look like you have Wars eyes. Definitely got your attitude from Strife. I'm guessing you have a body like Fury?" He asked winking at her. Whisper blushed at that last part. She sighed.

"Just go before my father catches you." Whisper said to him.

"Fine, I'll just ask you the other thing when I see you later." He said, feigning annoyance.

Death's Daughter Book 1: WhisperWhere stories live. Discover now