Chapter 4 part 2

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Whisper nodded and followed her father over to a portal he created.

"After you." Death said, motioning to the portal. Whisper nodded her thanks and stepped inside. The Charred Councils heads seemed to be watching her as she came out of the portal while she waiting for her father to step through.

She knew she had grown and learned from her uncles, father and aunt, but the Council still intimidated her. Death stepped through after her and guided her forward. Death motioned for her to kneel with him in front of the Council.

The Charred Council began to talk, "She has grown in power and skill. We agree as in to assign her to a mission with you, Death." One of the Council heads announced.

"Death, study how well she does and report to us after your assignment." A head to the left informed him.

"What is our assignment masters?" Death asked.

"You are to capture and bring a demon that goes by the name Torkt." The heads said in unison.

"Yes masters." Death and Whisper said to the heads.

Death's Daughter Book 1: WhisperWhere stories live. Discover now