Chapter 7

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Whisper had told Death what she had found out about Torkt, and how he was known for being dangerous.
 "So, we should head through Blinding Dust to get to his hideout... Seems a bit to easy, seems nothing is anymore..." Death muttered. Whisper nodded.
 "Then let's set out, we will travel until nightfall then camp and reach it in the morning." Death instructed. Whisper simply nodded again. They commanded their horses forward and traveled onward through Blinding Dust.

Whisper and Death had been traveling for hours on end. Eventually the sun departed and the moon shine through the clouds. Whisper watched the stars glitter and the clouds hover and sway, it was like a dance... She snapped herself out of her thoughts, she needed to set up her tent.
Whisper unhooked the bindings off of the pack on her horses saddle.
Whisper had successfully made her own tent.
 "We will be traveling soon as the sun appears on the horizon. We cannot waste time." Death warned.
 "Yes father." Whisper said. He nodded and went into his own tent, but stopped to tell her one last thing,
 "Sleep safely." Then walked all the way into his tent. Whisper watched her father walk into his tent.
 "Goodnight father." She whispered under her breath.

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