Chapter 3 part 3

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Whisper had wandered closer to the group of horses. Suddenly, almost on instinct, she bolted forward and leaped up onto a random horse. She gripped onto the horse tightly, refusing to be thrown off of the bucking bronco.

Soon the horse stopped and accepted her as it's master. The horses hair grew long and turned a bright white with black ends with blue highlights blended into it. The tail matched it's mane. It's body remained a solid black color, the eyes blazed a glowing light teal color.

Whisper directed the horse to the Horsemaster. He seemed oddly impressed.

"Magnificent one you have there. Impressive for someone so young." He said nodding his approval. Whisper knew how to guide and control the horse since War gave her lessons on his horse.

Whisper rode her new horse over to the Horsemen. Death looked a bit impressed, Fury was grinning at her niece. War was watching her with a small smile. She could tell Strife was smirking under his mask.

Death's Daughter Book 1: WhisperWhere stories live. Discover now