C-3:Scattered thoughts

Start from the beginning

He let his plan bare as I realised his motives. He was desperate to introduce me to the other teachers, which immediately confirmed that my presence was set in stone in the teachers minds and that the cameras were zoomed in on me for a reason. I sighed as I didn't refute which may cause annoyance, "Please sir, lead the way."

"Definately, please follow me. Don't get lost again! May I also know your good name?" He asked as we started walking with small steps. It seems he wanted to confirm it since if he was wrong, it would make a mockery out of him. Why did he want to confirm it? Perhaps he was bad at remembering faces? Or maybe he wasn't the most mentally gifted? Given his quirk, it did seem fitting to have more brawn than brainpower so who was I to care. 

"It's Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, May I know your name sir?" I asked politely as he looked slightly taken aback.I realised that I didn't know most heroes or villains outside the most infamous ones which would seem very strange to an outside eye. Probably even rude, hurting one's ego if they were particularly famous.I hope he didn't mind.

"Oh, it seems we have a few sheltered students this year! I am Cementoss-sensei for you child." He introduced himself as a teacher as I nodded walking side by side.His voice was quite deep probably a side-effect of his quirk which in itself seemed quite interesting. The tricks to use it could even make a person fly given the right quirk control. However, I suppose to reach that level, it will take quite a long time. 

"Sensei, what is the passing rate of the students at this academy, to become successful?" I asked waiting for his response. He looked at me oddly as he asked,"Passing?Everyone passes and gets a hero license if they are in Class A or B. If they are in the support department, everyone enters a hero agency through internships and such gaining reputation and job security. The general department, also is in the same condition of everyone passing out.Of course,after that what happens in a different story."Cementoss caught his breath as he explained the details to me.

"I see, thank you sensei.I have another query, what is the HMR here?" I asked a somewhat odd question which Cementoss sensei didn't seem to get. I asked again, "I meant, Hero Mortality Rate."

"O-Oh....uh, I will have to get back to you on that later...oh look we are already here!"He quickly diverted the conversation to a more lighter one as we entered the teacher's lounge. I sighed internally as I saw a few teachers there.

This would be hardly optimal.


Ayanokouji entered the room with brisk steps as he analyzed his surroundings with great detail. Aizawa who had just woken up from the noise of the rackety door seemed to mind the disturbance to his sleep greatly putting him a foul mood. He usually wasn't this annoyed but the recent workload had increased, which was natural as the days passed. Villans grew, just like they did. Either we could choose to ignore it or do our best to stop it before it becomes an armageddon threat.

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