five ; mudbloods and murmurs

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A couple of days had passed since the chaos in the courtyard, and at last Friday had arrived. Liliana counted down the hours until her lesson with Professor McGonagall. She was in desperate need of a walk around the grounds with her.

She sat through Charms that morning itching to leave. Her mind had unraveled so bad that not even Ron and his malfunctioning wand could summon a laugh from her. And it really should have - poor, tiny old Professor Flitwick had been hit squarely between the eyes by the wonky wand, creating a large, throbbing green boil where it had struck.

At lunch, she did her best to listen in on her friends, but it proved no use. She stared at her roast chicken and sprouts, deep in thought. The first day back had been a mess. No one had acknowledged her, only her legilimency. Her peers, some professors, and even the wizarding world, praised a part of her she herself didn't praise. And it annoyed her.

Over the week, she had spent a lot of time keeping to herself, avoiding first-years and other curious peers. She hated being stared at, and even worse, being asked to read minds. Everytime it happened, a piece of her patience would chip away, and her mind slipped into a small storm of chaos.

"Lili," a voice spoke, pulling her from her thoughts, "are you okay?"

Liliana looked up and nodded. She poked at her sprouts then took a bite, doing her best to act nonchalant. Harry eyed her with concern, but knew not to push it. He knew the week had been hard on her. Everyone did - her eyes held every emotion she tried to hide.

At five to three, after an hour in the Great Hall, Liliana cleared her plate and walked over to Professor McGonagall's study, telling the others she'd see them later in the common room.

The corridors were empty, per usual at this time, but Liliana liked it this way; the silence eased her nerves. Her footsteps reverberated richly, and with every step, the storm in her mind dulled.

When she reached the study, she reached the eye of her storm. With a deep breath, she knocked. The door opened, and there, with a small smile on her face, sat Professor McGonagall.

"Hello, Miss Granger," she said, stirring her tea. "Do come in, please, the corridor is a bit drafty."

Liliana closed the door and took her usual seat in front of the fireplace. She stared into it, admiring the warmth and daring spark of the flickering flames. The professor then handed her a cup of tea and took the seat across from her.

"How are you doing?" she asked. "I've heard about the articles the Daily Prophet published this summer, and about the incident with Mr. Malfoy out on the courtyards."

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